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Micah 6:9  -  The Voice of Yehovah to the city(protected encampment) calls out; and sound wisdom one will '(H7200)perceive-regard-respect' Your Name; Hear, the (H4294)rod(of correction-of His Name) and Who appointed it?

Read the tetragrammaton from  Medical Truth   Right to Left Yod, Hay, Vav, Hay

Hay Vav Hay Yod
Fourth Third Second First

Praise His Name Abba Yah - Psalms 68:4
Matthew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.

How important is His True and Real Name? It is the 3rd Commandment of the 10, before the 4th Commandment, which is altared in every Bible in print! This Commandment sets up His Divinely Ordained Calendar, also setting His Weekly Cycle, not Romes weekly cycle, the pagan planetary week, the black banner in Ellen Whites dream-vision-instruction, of the two banners. The continuous cycling of 7 days, unbreabreakable cycle of 7's is not sustainable in the Scriptures, as many examples show by simplest arithmatic to be set by the New Moon Day, which declaration begins the restored 4th Commandment's 1st line "Mark even day, The New Moon to consecrate It" which day is Our Heavenly Fathers' "My Holy Day". This is "The Sabbath more fully" message. His weekly cycle, not Romes. His Calendar, not the world's calendar.

In her 1st vision, the saints were traveling on the path cast up "high above the world" some grew weary then Yehoshuah raised His Glorious Right Arm, and gave His testimony of The Father's Great Name, The Shabats of His Great Name, which includes "The Mark", the four letters of His Great Name, in order, each letter, before the four weekly cycles of the four lunar weeks of each moon, which He assigned for moeds-appointments, which some got their eyes off "The Mark" and fell down into the dark and dreary world below. The Mark, I think is in the original fourth commandment, the 1st word "Zawkar" or "Mark" "Mark even day, The New Moon, to consecrate It" and they fall back down into the world far below and keep the planetary week, and worship at the false throne of praying to "Jesus" and the rest of the false throne names, and worship Lucifer parading on the earth going by that name "Jesus".

I think the Mark, that after the Shabats of His Great Name, yod he vav he, is the True Health Reform, as He raises His Glorious Right Arm, come the "Mark" or rather "The Seal of Yah" yod he, Psalm 68:4 NKJV, in nature, with His True Healing Message, that Ellen White says He controls very directly Himself. This is why the saints shout "Hallelu Yah" in her vision of the saint's on the path traveling to the city at the farther end of the path, with the midnight cry at the beginning of the path, in 1843-44. As the Name "Yah" two letters "10" and "5" are the values of "yod" and "he" in Hebrew, the language of "heaven". .

If you are not a researcher, but trust to the pastors, then you are at the wrong website. The right one is "adventist.org" As the "bereans" at the end of time, are those in Ellen Harmon-White's second vision published in "The Daystar Articles" as those "bowed before the throne, deeply interested" who give the loud cry of the 4th angel, which is the exceeding bright light in that second vision, which she says "is of vast importance to the saint's"

Many will be lost because they did not search for The Truth, for themselves, as for hidden Treasure. (line upon line, line upon line, precept upon precept, precept upon precept, here a little, and there a little - 'repetitions indicate laborious study' which the True Health Reform gives energy for such study)
"The breach made in the Law at the time the Sabbath was changed by man, is to be repaired". Ellen White
Isa_58:12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
By "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little" this breach can be seen to be in Exodus 20:8 (and all the other commandment verses) where "they" swapped out "New Moon" and replaced it with "Sabbath".
Remember The New Moon Day to keep It Holy(qodesh). Then six work days, and 7th day Sabbaths, four in a lunar cycle or lunar month. Thus every "Sabbath" in the annual feasts of unleavened bread and tabernacles fall upon the lunar week 7th Day.

Remember, the Shabat of the Biblical week, falls on different days of the world's planetary weekly cycle, thus some grew weary, got their eyes off of "The Mark", lost sight of Yehoshua, and fell down off the path into the dark and dreary world below, with her planetary week. Whereas those who endure to the end, receive the prize of eternal life with Joy in The Father, and His Son, and The Qodesh Spirit.

Early SDA's knew about this, but kept it from the masses of SDA's. See http://4angelspublications.com/articles/Lunar_Sabbath_SDA_Church.php The "church" has been in apostasy, and the final straw is when the 25 member executive committee turn their backs to the temple, oriented to their west, and worship the sun in the east, (symbolic of rejecting the calendar of The Most High, in favor or Romes' calendar, and Rome's 7th day, or 1st, both are wrong as they are based on a false "Sunday Institution" of time keeping, the continuous "planetary week") see Ez 8. At that point in time, satan will appear by the "Throne" trying to carry on "the work" of "God", thus marking the point in time when satan is the leader of the SDA Church, then "Yehoshua rise from the throne, and most of those bowed down, rose up with Him as He left The Throne and lead them out a little ways"
The Latter Rain will primarily be "His Name" YHVH, and not to recieve "The Mark" of the beast, (the sunday institution) but keep The Sabbaths of His Name. 4 7th day Sabbaths in each moon, in honor of the 4 Letters of His Name "Each Sabbath Institution both True and False, bears The Name of It's Author, an ineffaceable Mark, showing the authority of each" Ellen White, and The True "Medical Missionary Work" bearing the Inscription of His Name "Yah" yod=10 and He=5, the pattern of electron releasing foods.
Psa 68:4 Sing unto Elohim, sing praises to His Name: extol Him that rideth upon the heavens by His Name YAH, and rejoice before Him.
Thus the saints on the path to the qodesh city shout "HalleluYAH when Yehoshua raises His Glorious Right Arm, in Ellen White's first vision; as Yehoshua's Testimony is
"Joh_17:6 I have manifested Thy Name unto the men which Thou gavest Me out of the world: Thine they were, and Thou gavest them Me; and they have kept Thy Word."


-PT- The Signs of the Times
-DT- 05-08-93
-AT- A Lesson for Our Day
-PR- 09
The Man of sorrows, Who bore our griefs and carried our sorrows, Who was bruised for our iniquities, and wounded for our transgressions, by Whose stripes we are healed, was indeed without form or comeliness to the Jews; and yet He was the predicted Messiah, who was to shine before the ancients gloriously, to reign from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth. As He came in His humiliation to our earth, no conquering armies were visible to mortal eyes, and the unbelieving Jews decided that He could not be the illustrious King for whom they were looking, as there was no outward display. And why did the people of Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum, and Jerusalem reject the Master of life and glory? Why did they keep up a continual controversy with Him? It was because those who claimed to believe and teach the word of Elohim interpreted its utterances to suit their own preconceived opinions, so that The Word of Elohim might seem to harmonize with the traditions and commandments of men. It was because the people did not see the necessity of searching the Scriptures for themselves, of comparing scripture with scripture, that they might know The Truth. They gave credence to what the priests and Pharisees taught, in place of seeking to understand the true meaning of The Word of Elohim for themselves, instead of using the reason and judgment which Elohim had given them that they might understand. They placed the priests and rulers where they should have placed Elohim, and rejected The Truth of Elohim, that they might keep their own tradition. Let us take a lesson from the mistake of the Jewish people, and not be found committing a similar error.

-BC- 4SP
-TI- The Spirit of Prophecy Volume Four
-CN- 35
-CT- Elohim's People Delivered
-PR- 02
-PG- 456
While these words of holy trust ascend to Elohim, the clouds sweep back, and the starry heavens are seen, unspeakably glorious in contrast with the black and angry firmament on either side. The glory of


Heaven is beaming from the gates ajar. Then there appears against the sky a hand holding two tables of stone folded together. The hand opens the tables, and there are revealed the precepts of the decalogue, traced as with a pen of fire. The Words are so plain that all can read them. Memory is aroused, the darkness of superstition and heresy is swept from every mind, and Elohim's ten words, brief, comprehensive, and authoritative, are presented to the view of all the inhabitants of earth. Wonderful code! wonderful occasion!
-END-  Note: Those careless or indifferent, who immediately step out from under the Latter Rain Light(In the second "Daystar Article" vision), Repairing the breach of the 4th Commandment, refusing to study it out for themselves, waiting for the confirmation of seeing The above Hand holding the two tablets of stone, before they believe, will be lost. They placed the SDA preachers and pastors above reading and searching The "Scripture of Truth" for themselves.

1 Chronicles 16:15
15 Be ye mindful always of His Covenant; The Word [which] He commanded to a thousand generations;

1 Chronicles 16:16
16 [Even of The Covenant] which He made with Abraham, and of His Oath unto Isaac;

1 Chronicles 16:17
17 And hath confirmed The Same to Jacob For a Law, [and] to Israel [for] an Everlasting Covenant,

-BC- 7BC
-TI- S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7
-CN- REV14
-CT- Revelation
-PR- 07
-PG- 977
(Ch. 7:2, 3). The Question Before Us Now. --The Sabbath question
is to be the issue in the great final conflict, in which all the world will
act a part. Men have honored Satan's principles above the principles that
rule in the heavens. They have accepted the spurious sabbath, which Satan
has exalted as the sign of his authority. But Elohim has set His seal upon His
royal requirement. Each Sabbath institution, both true and false, bears the
name of its author, an ineffaceable mark that shows the authority of each.
Notice "an ineffaceable mark"
Eze 9:4 And Yehovah said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.
Eze 8:16 And he brought me into the inner court of Yehovah's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of Yehovah, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of Yehovah, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
Note: they forget His Lunar Calendar, with their backs towards Him in His temple, and worship acccording to the solar only calendar, facing the sun; pagan sun worship.
Psa 104:19 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.

We do not worship the sun, moon or stars, only Yehovah Elohim, and His Only Begotten Son, Yehoshua The Messiah.

We respect His Calendar He established at creation, which includes, the moon, as the calendar for numbering of all days for appointments for meeting, appointed times of worship, not the world's calendar. As Scripture gives us examples that show The New Moon Day establishes the next day to begin the weekly cycle. The New Moon Day, or day's - one or two, stand outside of the weekly cycle. The "refuge of lies" one of them, is that the weekly cycle is an unbreakable cycle of 7's. The New Moon Day, was the period that the Spirit or Y'rach hovered above the face of the waters, before the six creation work days began. As the moon circles above the flat earth, about 3,000 to 5,000 miles high or so, being about 40 or 50 miles in diameter or so, as is also the sun, the moon being just a tiny bit closer to us, as "a strong man to run a race"; as science has established a "dome" or barrier at 7200 miles high, described as a hard glass barrier, protecting earth from super accelerated electrons.

Christ's Object Lessons
Hidden Treasure
Page - 107
This is the treasure that is found in the Scriptures.
The Bible is Elohim's great lesson book, His great educator.
The foundation of all true science is contained in the Bible.
Every branch of knowledge may be found by searching The
Word of Elohim. And above all else it contains the science
of all sciences, the science of salvation. The Bible is the
mine of the unsearchable riches of The Messiah.

 A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White
Paragraph - 01
Page - 55

As I saw what we must be to inherit glory, and
then saw how much Yehoshua had suffered for us to
obtain for us so rich an inheritance, I prayed that we
might be baptized into Messiah's sufferings, that we
might not shrink at trials, but bear them with
patience and joy, knowing what Yehoshua had suffered,
that we might through His poverty and sufferings be
made rich. Said the angel, "Deny self, ye must
step fast." I saw that some of us have had time to
get the truth, and to advance step by step, and every
step we have taken has given us strength to take the
next. But now time is almost finished, and what we
have been years learning, they will have to learn in
a few months. And they will have to unlearn much,
and learn again. And those who will not receive
the mark of the beast and his image, when the
decree goes forth, must have decision now to say,
nay, we will not regard the institution of the beast.
Note: The above, the institution of the beast. is a calendar institution, as the quote above this one, Each Sabbath institution, both true and false, bears the Name of its Author, an ineffaceable mark that shows the authority of each.
It is not only a Sunday Law, that is enforced, but a Solar only Calendar that is The Institution of The Beast! This throws out of buying and selling His followers that keep Psalms 104:19, His Lunar Calendar, with It's Shabat's.
Psa 104:19 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.

Note: The beast power, the secret societies of long ago, deleted the moon from being the world's calendar, establishing the continously cycling, unbreakable cycle of 7's, the unbreakable planetary week, whose names honor the pagan deities.

Isaiah 57:15 For thus saith The High and Lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, Whose Name is Holy (Qadosh); I dwell in the High and Holy(Qadosh) Place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

-TI- Testimonies to Southern Africa
-CN- 6
-CT- Extracts of Other Letters to the Wessels Family
-PR- 01
-PG- 61
     Miracles in the Closing Conflict

It is impossible to give any idea of the experience of the people
of Elohim who will be alive on the earth when past woes and celestial
glory will be blended. They will walk in the light proceeding from
the throne of Elohim. By the means of the angels there will be
constant communication between heaven and earth. And Satan,
surrounded by evil angels, and claiming to be Elohim, will work
miracles of all kinds to deceive, if possible, the very elect. Elohim's
people will not find their safety in working miracles; for Satan
would counterfeit any miracle that might be worked. Elohim's tried
and tested people will find their power in the sign spoken of in
Exodus 31:12-18. They are to take their stand on the living word,
-- "It is written." This is the only foundation upon which they
can stand securely. Those who have broken their covenant with
Elohim will in that day be without hope and without Elohim in the

The worshippers of Elohim will be especially distinguished by
their regard for the fourth commandment, -- since this is the sign
of His creative power, and the witness to His claim upon man's
reverence and homage. The wicked will be distinguished by their
efforts to tear down the Creator's memorial, to exalt the
institution of Rome. In the issue of the contest, all Christendom will
be divided into two great classes, -- those who keep the
commandments of Elohim and the faith of Yehoshua, and those who worship
the beast and his image and receive his mark. Although church
and State will unite their power to compel "all, both small and
great, rich and poor, free and bond" (Rev. 13:16), to receive the
mark of the beast, yet the people of Elohim will not receive it. The
prophet of Patmos beholds "them that had gotten the victory over
the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the
number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of
Elohim" (Rev. 15:2), and singing the song of Moses and the Lamb.


-TI- Testimonies to Southern Africa
-CN- 6
-CT- Extracts of Other Letters to the Wessels Family
-PR- 01
-PG- 62
Fearful tests and trials await the people of Elohim. The spirit of
war is stirring the nations from one end of the earth to the other.
But in the midst of the time of trouble that is coming, -- a time
of trouble such as has not been since there was a nation -- Elohim's
chosen people will stand unmoved. Satan and His angels cannot
destroy them; for angels that excel in strength will protect them.
--Letter 119, 1904. (In Selected Messages, Book 2, pages 54,

Rev 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion, and with Him a hundred forty and four thousand, having His Name and Father's Name written in their foreheads. Holy Name Version

New Ye'ru'shalom

See Revelation 3:12 for proof of these three Names written in their foreheads--see graphic at top of The Father's Name, and the Family Name of Heaven, of those that belong to Him, and not those who follow after Lucifer, with his false deity names.

This is our Saviour's Name - yod-he-vav-shin-vav-ayin
(from Strong's) H3091

יְהוֹשֻׁעַ יְהוֹשׁוּעַ
yehôshûa‛ yehôshûa‛
yeh-ho-shoo'-ah, yeh-ho-shoo'-ah
From H3068 and H3467; Jehovah-saved; Jehoshua (that is, Joshua), the Jewish leader: - Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Joshua. Compare H1954, H3442.
Total KJV occurrences: 218

Joh 20:31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Yehoshua is the Messiah, the Son of Elohim; and that believing ye might have Life through His Name.

(from Strong's) G2424

Of Hebrew origin [H3091]; Jesus (that is, Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites: - Jesus.
Total KJV occurrences: 975

Here is an example where the KJV uses "Jesus" instead of "Joshua" the son of Nun.
Act 7:45 Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom Elohim drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David;

So this shows clearly that "Joshua" and not "Jesus" a greek name, is the Name of our Saviour but in Hebrew translated more accurately as "Yehoshua",  The Only Name under heaven, given among men, whereby we Must be saved. HalleluYah! After you see and understand this "Light"; then you are lost if you continue to pray to "Jesus", especially when Our Heavenly Father goes into The Most Holy, and our Saviour follows after, leaving the acceptance of prayers to these pagan names, which satan steps in to fill the void of prayers to the name He will assume and "personate", and thus become the leader of the SDA Church. See the Daystar, second vision account, which Ellen White tells us "is of vast importance to the saints".

The great outpouring of The Qodesh Spirit begins with The Sun Day Laws. At this time He will reveal The Repair in the breach of the 4th Commandment, "Mark even day, The New Moon, to Consecrate It". At which His people are startled as they realize they have been keeping the wrong day, according to a pagan time system, or "Institution", or "Each Sabbath Institution, both True and false, bears The Name of It's Author, an ineffaceable Mark, showing the Authority of Each".
In the Daystar Articles, second one "of vast importance to the saints":

Then I saw the Father rise from the throne and in a flaming chariot go into the Holy of Holies within the vail, and did sit. There I saw thrones which I had not seen before.
This is as Ezekiel chapter 8:14:
Eze 8:14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate Yehovah's House which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.

This vision illustrates that our Saviour enters The Most Holy, for the last yearly cycle, after "The Father" enters.
To me this means that after the Latter Rain has fallen, the SDA leadership rejects The Great Tetragrammaton Name as being important and continues to call Him "The LORD".

Our Saviour rises from the throne, after this, when the 25 men face the sun with their backs toward Yehovah, and worship according to the solar only calendar with it's planetary pagan week.

Eze 8:16 And he brought me into the inner court of Yehovah's House, and, behold, at the door of the Temple of Yehovah, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the Temple of Yehovah, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.

Those who keep their eyes fixed on Yehoshua, rise up with Him and leave the SDA church after the 25 men leadership reject His Lunar calendar based moed's. This Ezekiel 9 slaughter occurs simultaneously with the sealing of the 144,000 after which the time of Jacob's trouble immediately commences, with the death decree for those who "reverence His Name".

We should not use the pagan names to call our Saviour by, but His True Name, that begins with the 1st three letters of His Father's Qodesh Name, yod-he-vav-he. Also see Revelation 13:18 as these letters are initials and title initial of the anit-messiah, Chi-iota-stigma, the one who order-places the stigmata-Mark of the Beast, incision of a slave. The common names prayed to, satan will "personate" as Ellen White tells us, not "impersonate". This Name issue will separate those who are "worldly" in the SDA Church from "Those bowed before the Throne", with additional Truths after the latter rain. After the fullness of The Latter Rain has fallen, Our Heavenly Father first rises from the throne, the "throne" (Where The Father and His Son sits upon) of accepting worship from sincere believers in the wrong names, who after rejecting The Light of His Great and Glorious Name, are no longer sincere. Then after Yehoshua rises from the Throne, and those who keep their eyes fixed on Him, follow Him out from the Throne a little ways; then satan appears by the throne, (previously vacated by "The Father" then His Son, Who are then in The Most Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary) accepting the worldly SDA's prayers as they continue to pray to "Jesus" "The Lord" "God" etc. having rejected "The Light". This is when the Church has changed leaders and not know it as prophesied by Ellen G. White
This rising from the throne, in her vision, represents to me, after the Latter Rain, Our Father, which art in heaven, no longer accepts prayer to the pagan terms, and His Son Yehoshua rises next, and He no longer presents to The Father the prayers offerered in the pagan names. And then: Satan appears by the throne trying to carry on the work of "God" means he becomes the leader of all who continue to offer prayers to the pagan names, terms.

Malachi 1:8 And if ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? offer it now unto thy governor; will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy person? saith Yehovah of hosts.

Will you be "reaped" by our Heavenly Father's Garner of Truth? Are you willing to year the yoke of obedience and service, to every Word that proceedeth out of The Mouth of Yehovah, spoken to the multitude, then to Moses upon mount Horeb, with the statutes and judgements?

In Malachi chapter 1 He tells us just how "jealous" He is of His Name, and how He hates the praise offerings to the pagan names "Christianity" today is offering to Him. One day, He will never answer or hear a prayer offered to the pagan names instead of His one qodesh Name.
Mal 1:1 The burden of the word of Yehovah to Israel by Malachi.
Mal 1:2 I have loved you, saith Yehovah. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith Yehovah: yet I loved Jacob, {here we should remember Esau selling his birthright for appetite, and the promised land of Canaan for his father's riches}
Mal 1:3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.
Mal 1:4 Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith Yehovah of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom Yehovah hath indignation for ever.
Mal 1:5 And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, Yehovah will be magnified from the border of Israel.
Mal 1:6 A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is Mine honour? and if I be a master, where is My fear? saith Yehovah of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise My Name. And ye say, Wherein have we despised Thy Name?
Mal 1:7 Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar; and ye say, Wherein have we polluted thee? (Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:9) In that ye say, { they eat endothermic food called "defiled" in Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:9} The table of Yehovah (Foods with The Seal of Yah in nature) is contemptible.
Mal 1:8 And if ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? offer it now unto thy governor; will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy person? saith Yehovah of hosts. {1Corinthians 6:19 "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of Elohim, and ye are not your own?," ---  so to eat "life force" absorbing food, He does not accept it upon His altar, or your intestines, as in Him you live and move and have your being. He even knows how many hairs are on your head}
Mal 1:9 And now, I pray you, beseech Elohim that He will be gracious unto us: this hath been by your means: will he regard your persons? saith Yehovah of hosts.
Mal 1:10 Who is there even among you that would shut the doors for nought? (better to go hungry than to eat "defiled" endothermic food) neither do ye kindle fire on Mine altar for nought.(eating endothermic food decreases your life force energy)  I have no pleasure in you, saith Yehovah of hosts, neither will I accept an offering at your hand. { an endothermic offering }

Mal 1:11 For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same My Name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense (Praise His Name Abba Yah, Hallelu, Hallelu Yah!!!!!) shall be offered unto My Name, and a pure offering(not to Yahweh but to "Yehovah"):[Zephaniah 3:9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon The Name of Yehovah, to serve Him with one consent.] for My Name shall be great among the heathen, saith Yehovah of hosts.

Mal 1:12 But ye have profaned It, in that ye say, The table of Yehovah (Foods with The Seal of Yah in nature) is polluted; and the fruit thereof, even His meat, is contemptible. { this verse is a dead ringer, it shows how He regards eating endothermic food, and His professed leaders rejecting His Message of The Seal of Yah in nature, along with His Great Name. When you despise and ridicule and snuff at His Gracious Tender Mercy, He is aroused to anger, as He shows us the difference between life and death, The Seal of Yah in nature versus without His Seal. }
The tables of those without The Seal of Yah in nature are described in this text -- Isaiah 28:8 For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean. or "defiled, foods produced by violating Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:9.
Mal 1:13 Ye said also, Behold, what a weariness is it! (Foods with The Seal of Yah in nature) and ye have snuffed at It (Foods with The Seal of Yah in nature), saith Yehovah of hosts; and ye brought that which was torn, and the lame, and the sick; thus ye brought an offering: should I accept this of your hand? saith Yehovah. { food that is a result of violating Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:9 is the torn lame sick and endothermic reacting foods! Or, eating those "defiled" foods cause your body to be "and ye brought that which was torn, and the lame, and the sick" }
Mal 1:14 But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto Yehovah a corrupt thing { Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:9 - "defiled"}: for I am a Great King, saith Yehovah of Hosts, and My Name is dreadful among the heathen.

Psa 103:5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
Gen 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and Elohim saw that it was good.

To eat an endothermic food is similar to shorting the terminals of your batttery. You receive a huge loss of electricity in your body, for the gain of some nutrients, with a net loss of cellular membrane voltage, across the board. It will take a lot of aerobic exercise to replace the loss of electrons. So why short out the terminals of your bio-electric battery by eating foods without "The Seal of Yah in Nature"?
Jonah 2:8 They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.

-BC- Ed
-TI- Education
-CN- 35
-CT- The School of the Hereafter
-PR- 04
-PG- 303
There, when the veil that darkens our vision shall be
removed, and our eyes shall behold that world of beauty
of which we now catch glimpses through the microscope;
when we look on the glories of the heavens, now scanned
afar through the telescope; when, the blight of sin
removed, the whole earth shall appear in "the beauty of
Yehovah our Elohim," what a field will be open to our
study! There the student of science may read the records
of creation and discern no reminders of the law of evil.
He may listen to the music of nature's voices and detect
no note of wailing or undertone of sorrow. In all created
things he may trace one handwriting--in the vast universe
behold "Elohim's Name (yod-he-vav-he, 10-5-6-5) writ large," and not in earth or sea
or sky one sign of ill remaining.

When the third angel's message is received in its fullness, health reform will be given its place in the councils of the conference, in the work of the church, in the home, at the table, and in all the household arrangements. Then the right arm will serve and protect the body.--Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 327. (1900)

Luke13:16 And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?

One way of being "bound" is the constricture's of the tapeworm-snake, binding up the bowels, as eating forbidden food gives the spiritual right for his presence there. The serpent's seed, he no doubt placed in  the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Ham is famous for having parasites. But the 144,000 have additional light to not eat endothermic food, robbing their bodies of the ATP reserves, shortening their lives and shortening their telomeres; as the man in the school of the prophets declared there is "death" in the pot, or there is endothermic rather than exothermic propensities of the food, as the brightness of his intellect began to be diminished.

Deuteronomy 22:9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled.

Alcohol and Society
Page 45
Qualifications for Spiritual Leaders.
--Anything in eating or drinking which disqualifies
the mental powers for healthful
and active exercise
is an aggravating sin in the sight of Elohim.
Especially is this the case with those who minister in holy
things, who should at all times be examples to the people, and
be in a condition to properly instruct them. . . .

We should consider that over time, eating only Foods with The Seal of Yah in nature wil increase celleular membrane voltage, collectively increasing vital electric life force energy, and will result in a brighter intellect, versus eating mostly endothermic foods without this seal, will result in an "intellectual brownout" Healthy exercise is important also to help restore electricity in the system --

Stomach, liver, lungs, and brain are suffering for the want of deep, full inspirations of air, which would electrify the blood and impart to it a bright, lively color, and which alone can keep it pure and give tone and vigor to every part of the living machinery.
Testimonies for the Church Volume Two, page 67, 68

He seems to combine food to His qodesh Name, thus perhaps it is referring to the 144,000 eating only exothermic, energy releasing foods that have the numbers of 10 and 5, as a pattern in those foods, for the two letters "yod" and "he" for "Yah" the short form of His qodesh tetragrammaton 4 letter Hebrew Name.  The Seal of Yah in nature will flood your body with electrons charging your chemical battery, while refusing to eat foods without His Seal which would drain your chemical battery.   This empowers your body with increased energy to repair and maintain  the state of "homeostasis". His blessings are great, He created foods with the stamp of His Name.

How can the numbers in food patterns control exothermic-energy giving, or endothermic-energy absorbing  reactions you might ask?
"The number of sections in a fruit or petals on a flowering bud are an expression from the genes, a parallel reflection of the instruction set controlling and describing the molecular configuration, which determines the resulting electro-polarity, if the reaction will absorb or release electrons". Given while arising from kneeling, praying for how the numbers 5 and 10 give energy and those that don't, take energy, precisely how?

"Practically all the ENERGY released by living bodies is derived from the POTENTIAL ENERGY of their FOOD CONSTITUENTS...IN THE BREAKDOWN OF SUBSTANCES, ENERGY is either RELEASED (exothermic reaction) or is ABSORBED FROM ITS SURROUNDING MEDIUM (endothermic reaction)... In its fundamental aspects, OXIDATION implies THE RELEASE OF ENERGY through TRANSFER OF ELECTRONS FROM FOODSTUFFS.
p. 62, 65. by Carl J. Wiggers M.D. Lea & Febiger copyright 1944


His children "LOVE" and "REJOICE" in His Great Qodesh Name. The wicked who reject this Great Sealing Name of the 144,000, say eating only foods with the numbers of His Name, "as The Seal of Yah" in nature, is CONTEMPTIBLE as in Malachi 1:12. Thus the wicked hate His Great Name, and the Sabbaths of His Great Name, and the exothermic, energy giving foods displaying the numbers of His Name, the short form, "Yah", the 1st two letters of the Tetragrammaton.

In Ellen Whites dream of a temple supported by one immense pillar in the middle, to which a Lamb was tied, all mangled and bleeding. The pillar represents His One Great Name, for which declaring, the priests tried to throw Our Saviour off of a cliff, but qodesh angels hid Him. The congregation of people in that building were expectant and happy, as are those who Trust in Him and His Great Name.


Do you pray before eating?
The Saviour Yehoshua's prayer is a good one to pray.
As you pray: "Our Father, Which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name", think of the first part of the tetragrammaton, The short form "Yah" spelled with "yod" and "he". These letters represent the numbers of 10 and 5 respectively, so that when you say "halleluyah" you are saying, "praise ye Yah".  Thus the health reform message when Yehoshua raises His Glorious Right Arm, as they travel the straight and narrow path with the Holy City at the farther end of the path, in Ellen Whites first vision, represents the gaining of energy as His people adopt the pattern of 10 and 5, and thus eat "to the Glory of His Name", and shout "HalleluYah! as they choose to eat only foods displaying the pattern of 10 and 5, which ensure exothermic chemical reactions in their bodies, releasing a flood of electrons!

This great Light of the Latter Rain is about worship, His Qodesh Name, and the Sabbaths that His Qodesh Name are stamped Up On to as a Divine Seal, as His restored original 4th Command states, "Mark even day, The New Moon, to consecrate It." , the first verse of The 4th Command. And Leviticus 1:1 which starts with "vav" for the New Moon Day, as the starting point, then "yod" as the 1st letter of His Qodesh Tetragrammaton Name, yod-he-vav-he(He dwells in eternity and therefore in this example these Letters of His Name are not counted with the letter numbers of the lunar month cycle, but as a Seal up on His four calendar weeks, before each of the four weeks of the moon, see Gen. 1:14-19), then 7 letters, then "he", 7 letters then "vav", then 7 letters, then "he", then 7 letters, then "mem" the letter that means "waters" as the Qodesh Spirit, and The New Moon or "khodesh", hovered upon the "face of the waters" prior to creation week, on The New Moon Day. So the 1st day of creation week was the 2nd day of the moon, as logic would dictate. Another point is that Genesis 1:14 states that the two great lights are for signs and "moed or appointments" days and years. So we see the 7th day sabbath appointment is timed by the two great lights and the stars as well as "all" appointments. Using the planetary week is worshipping "the sun moon and stars", and thus forsaking Yehovah's lunar calendar.

Notice "exceeding loud" in the following verse: (as the Latter Rain has to do with "The Sabbath More Fully" message, which is The 4th Commandment)
Exodus 19:16
16 ¶ And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that [was] in the camp trembled.
Notice "exceeding bright light" from the following quotation from the second vision-part of the "Daystar Articles" which Ellen White said "is of vast importance to the saints:
Then I saw an exceeding bright light come from the Father to the Son and from the Son it waved over the people before the throne. But few would receive this great light. Many came out from under it and immediately resisted it. Others were careless and did not cherish the light and it moved off from them. Some cherished it and went and bowed down before the throne with the little praying company. This company all received the light, and rejoiced in it as their countenances shone with its glory. Then I saw the Father rise from the throne and in a flaming chariot go into the Holy of Holies within the vail, and did sit.
Another proof, of the 4th Commandment has been changed in our Bibles, is that Yehoshua's people are surprised, not at any of the other 9 commandments, but of only the 1st line of the 4th Commandment:
Early Writings page 255 "They trace down the lively oracles, but start back with trembling when they see the fourth commandment among the ten holy precepts, with a brighter light shining upon it than upon the other nine, and a halo of glory all around it" ... "Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yehovah thy Elohim" (they are startled, that is they saw something they were not expecting to see, in the 4th Commandment)

Is it logical to suppose that Yehovah uses His calendar, the lunar cycle to time His feasts, and uses the world's calendar to time His weekly cycles with the 7th day Sabbath timed thereby? No, absolutely not! There has been a centuries old "scheme" or "conspiracy" to altar, change the Scripture to reflect these views. This is why Isaiah 28 comes in, with the forensic research method of "line upon line" "precept upon precept" "here a little and there a little" as there is still evidence in Scripture of His "One calendar" for all appointments, not "Two". This is the battle of "armageddon" or the battle over the moeds, whose calendar sets up the appointments, appointed times of worship, Romes, or Yehovah's. This is "The Sabbath More Fully" of Ellen White.
And at the commencement of the time of trouble, we were FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT as we went forth and PROCLAIMED THE SABBATH MORE FULLY. THIS ENRAGED THE CHURCH AND NOMINAL ADVENTISTS, as they could not refute the SABBATH TRUTH.  And at this time,   Elohim's CHOSEN (those that believed on His Name-John 1:12, John 17:6 I have manifested Thy Name, which worship issue, His Tetragrammaton Name, is the reason The Father rises from The Throne(Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other El: for Yehovah, Who is jealous of His Name, is a jealous El.), before His Son rises up(They no longer accept worship by the false names, as after the Latter Rain they are no longer ignorant of the issues), as separation begins with "His One Great Name" and His Voice Commands to Moses, which Voice-"which divideth the flames of fire" Psalms 29:7), ALL SAW CLEARLY THAT WE HAD THE TRUTH, AND THEY CAME OUT (Daystar 2nd vision "Yehoshua rose up and the most of those who were bowed down rose up with Him, as He left the Throne, and led them out a little ways") AND ENDURED THE PERSECUTION WITH US.  A word to the little flock. page 19.
When the sun days laws are enforced, the tablets of stone will be revealed showing the 4th commandment starting with "Mark even day, The New Moon, to consecrate It", as this commandment clearly commands to start the weekly cycle after "The New Moon is Consecrated" command is given by the High Priest in Israel. Or by those who have diligently "dug" the Scriptures to trace out the correct method of determining the parameters of "The New Moon Day", from Scriptures, not from tradition or custom.

Thus the thrust, mainly of the latter rain is:
Deu 32:1 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of My Mouth.
Deu 32:2 My doctrine shall drop as the rain, My Speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:
Deu 32:3 Because I will publish The Name of Yehovah: ascribe ye greatness unto our Elohim.

1Kings 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if Yehovah be Elohim, follow Him: but if Baal(The LORD), then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

Mal 4:4 Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
Mal 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yehovah:
Mal 4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

So to prevent the anger of The Most High, and His smiting the earth with a curse, give honor to His Name, "Yehovah" "YHVH", and cease to honor the appellation "The LORD Baal". And honor His Son, Yehoshua, or "Joshua" pronounced more accurately, as this is His Hebrew Name. Which to us must be "His New Name" the 144,000 are sealed with, the "Mark" of Ezekiel chapter 9, "Yehovah, New Jerusalem, Yehoshua", as the 144,000 will be keeping the Sabbaths of His Name, "Yehovah" as seen embedded in Leviticus chapter 1 in the masoretic Hebrew text.


The Early and the Latter Rain - page 219

Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in YHVH your
Elohim: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and He
will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and
the latter rain in the first month. Joel 2:23.

There is to be in the churches a wonderful manifestation of
the power of Elohim, but it will not move upon those who have not
humbled themselves before YHVH, and opened the door of
their heart by confession and repentance. In the manifestation
of that power which lightens the earth with the glory of Elohim,
they will see only something which in their blindness they think
dangerous, something which will arouse their fears, and they
will brace themselves to resist it. Because YHVH does not work
according to their expectations and ideal, they will oppose the
work. "Why," they say, "should we not know the Spirit of Elohim,
when we have been in the work so many years?" Because they
did not respond to the warnings, the entreaties, of the messages
of Elohim, but persistently said, "I am rich, and increased with
goods, and have need of nothing."

It is after this, the exceeding bright Light or wonderful manifestation of the power of Elohim, in the above paragraph, and in the second daystar article, that Ellen Harmon states, "is of vast importance to the saints", that, The Father rises from the throne and enters into a flaming chariot, and went to the Most Holy Place.

The 144,000 are sealed after the "latter rain" falls, just before "time of Jacob's trouble" begins, when death becomes the penalty for not worshipping the beast or his image. Ellen White tells us that the sealing time is very short.
The Latter Rain Light consists of Yehovah, the Glory of His Name, and His Name as a Seal upon His Sabbaths-and New Moon Day, and His Name as a Seal upon His True Health Reform Message-movement, "The Seal of Yah" in nature-Patterns of the Numbers of the Name "Yah". And the gospel, or "Good News" of His Kingdom, the Holy City Yahrushalom, Enoch's home, the home of all His saints.

Our standing before Elohim depends, not upon the amount of LIGHT we have received, but upon THE USE WE MAKE of what we have. Thus even the heathen who choose the right as far as they can distinguish it are in a more favorable condition than are those who have had GREAT LIGHT, and profess to serve Elohim, but who DISREGARD the LIGHT, and by their daily life contradict their profession. The Desire of Ages p. 239

And it is only those who are following the LIGHT ALREADY GIVEN that can hope to receive the further illumination of the Spirit. Testimonies for the Church Vol. 5, p. 705

To souls that are EARNESTLY seeking for LIGHT, and that accept with GLADNESS EVERY RAY of Divine Illumination from His Holy Word,--to SUCH ALONE LIGHT will be given. It is through these souls that Elohim will reveal that LIGHT and POWER which will LIGHTEN the whole earth with His glory. Testimonies for the Church Vol. 5, p. 729

LIGHT comes to the soul through Elohim's word, through His servants, or by the direct agency of His Spirit; but when ONE RAY of LIGHT is disregarded, there is a partial benumbing of the spiritual perceptions, and the second revealing of LIGHT is less clearly discerned. So the darkness increases, until it is night in the soul. The Desire of Ages p. 322

We should take one verse, and concentrate the mind on the task of ascertaining the thought which Elohim has put in that verse for us. We should dwell upon the thought until it becomes our own, and we know "what saith Y'hovah." The Desire of Ages p. 390



And the Sabbath More Fully must be; It is dependant upon Yehovah's weekly cycle established at creation, and not upon rome's solar calendar, the planetary week. Scriptures prove that they are in conflict, the one against the other. To "assume" they are one, would mean Our Heavenly Father is full of flaws and contradtictions, which is a lie, as He is "Absolute Perfection" in all dimensions and times, as imperfection cannot come from His Hands, or Voice. World's and all existence is dependant upon His Understaning and infinite Wisdom and Knowledge; a slip-up would mean disaster ruin, and non existence-all  would cease to be.
Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.  Psalms 50:2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, Elohim hath shined.

And: Each Sabbath Institution, both True and false, bears the Name of It's Author, an ineffaceable Mark, showing the  Author-ity of each. (see Leviticus 1:1 an illustration of His Calendar embedded-hidden in Scripture, so the false hand of the scribes could not remove it, not being aware of it.)

-BC- 17MR
-TI- Manuscript Releases Volume Seventeen
-CN- 1237
-CT- Testimony Concerning the Views of Prophecy Held by John Bell--Part II
-PR- 01
-PG- 23
Thus the substance of the second angel's message is again given to the
world by that other angel who lightens the earth with his glory. These
messages all blend in one, to come before the people in the closing days of
this earth's history. All the world will be tested, and all that have been in
the darkness of error in regard to the Sabbath of the fourth commandment will
understand the last message of mercy that is to be given to men.

Dear Reader, don't reject Truth, because I might be in error on a point or two, or three or four ... , this much I am sure of, that the 4th commandment has been altared in "all" bibles printed today, from what the original Scriptures contained thousands of years ago.
It appears that "The Sabbath More Fully" message procalimed at the commencement of the time of trouble, when the decree goes forth that no man can buy or sell, is the accurate 4th Commandment that has been abridged or altared by the man of sin, by anciient Rome. see Jeremiah 8:8.
And that Ron Wyatt's message is relevant today concerning the Ark of The Covenant, as he told us the angel told him that "the tablets of stone will revealed when the sunday law is enforced".
As the moon calendar as given in the 4th Commandment as written on the tablets of stone, expresses the beginning of our calendar month, and weekly cycles, it is that everlasting "ordinance".
Isaiah 24:5 The earthH776 also is defiledH2610 underH8478 the inhabitantsH3427 thereof; becauseH3588 they have transgressedH5674 the laws,H8451 changedH2498 the ordinance,H2706 brokenH6565 the everlastingH5769 covenant.H1285
er 31:35 Thus saith Yehovah, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; Yehovah of hosts is His name:
Jer 31:36 If those ordinances depart from before Me, saith Yehovah, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before Me for ever.
The repairer of the Breach is "Exodus 20:8 " "Mark even day, The New Moon, to Consecrate It", is "The Sabbath More Fully" message. The "Each Sabbath Institution, both True and False, that bears The Name of It's Author, an ineffaceable Mark, showing the
Authority of each. The Sabbath Institution, is the Weekly cycle of The Scriptures, The Qodesh Bible. -- see Ellen Whites quote several paragraphs below on "each Sabbath Institution".
Another repair, tells us how to keep the Day of The New Moon Qodesh:
Isa 58:12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
Isa 66:23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith Yehovah.
This verse shows us that the breach in the 4th commandment is the 1st line removing New Moon, and inserting Sabbath. Remember The New Moon Day to keep it Qodesh. Exodus 20:8. Also in Isaiah 58:13:
Isa 58:13 If thou turn away thy foot from the New Moon (Day), from doing thy pleasure on My Holy Day; and call the New Moon Day a delight, the Holy of Yehovah, honourable; and shalt honour Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:
Isa 58:14 Then shalt thou delight thyself on Yehovah; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the Mouth of Yehovah hath spoken It.

Newver is the 7th day Sabbath Commandment given without the command to not do any work on this day. The above passages in Isaiah 58:13-14, contains no Command to not do any work. Thus this "Sabbath" is "The New Moon Day"; another altared passage of Scripture, when Rome forced the Jewish Rabbis to "change the ordinance" Isaiah 24:5
Dan 9:11 Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that they might not obey Thy Voice(Speaking The Ten Commandments,and His Voice-to Moses on the Mount Horeb-Malachi 4:4); therefore the curse is poured upon us, and the oath that is written in The Law of Moses the servant of Elohim, because we have sinned against Him.
Another repair:
Lev 23:1 And Yehovah spake unto Moses, saying,
Lev 23:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of Yehovah, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts.
Lev 23:(adding deleted text) 2.5 Mark even day, The New Moon, to Consecrate It
Lev 23:3 Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of Yehovah in all your dwellings.


-TI- Last Day Events
-CN- 9.
-CT- Sunday Laws
-PR- 03
-PG- 128
Protestants will throw their whole influence and
strength on the side of the papacy. By a national act
enforcing the false sabbath they will give life and
vigor to the corrupt faith of Rome, reviving her
tyranny and oppression of conscience.--Mar 179 (1893).
-TI- Last Day Events
-CN- 9.
-CT- Sunday Laws
-PR- 04
-PG- 128
Sooner or later Sunday laws will be passed.--RH
Feb. 16, 1905.
-TI- Last Day Events
-CN- 9.
-CT- Sunday Laws


-PR- 01
-PG- 129
Soon the Sunday laws will be enforced, and men in
positions of trust will be embittered against the little
handful of Elohim's commandment-keeping people
278 (1909).

-TI- Last Day Events
-CN- 9.
-CT- Sunday Laws
-PR- 03
-PG- 137
As the Sabbath has become the special point of
controversy throughout Christendom and religious and secular
authorities have combined to enforce the observance
of the Sunday, the persistent refusal of a small minority
to yield to the popular demand will make them objects of
universal execration.--GC 615 (1911).

-BC- ChS
-TI- Christian Service
-CN- 14
-CT- Religious Liberty
-PR- 03
-PG- 158
Satan will excite indignation against the humble minority
who conscientiously refuse to accept popular customs and
traditions. Men of position and reputation will join with
the lawless and the vile to take counsel against the people


of Elohim. Wealth, genius, education, will combine to cover
them with contempt. Persecuting rulers, ministers, and
church members will conspire against them. With voice and
pen, by boasts, threats, and ridicule, they will seek to
overthrow their faith. By false representations and angry
appeals, they will stir up the passions of the people. Not
having a "Thus saith the Scriptures" to bring against the
advocates of the Bible Sabbath, they will resort to oppressive
enactments to supply the lack. To secure popularity
and patronage, legislators will yield to the demand for a
Sunday law. . . . On this battlefield comes the last great
conflict of the controversy between truth and error.--
<SI Testimonies, <EI vol. 5, pp. 450, 451.



Counsels on Sabbath School Work

A Soul-winning Agency
Page 84

Regard for Christians in Other Churches

Do not make the Sabbath school lessons dry and
spiritless. Leave the impression upon the mind that
the Bible, and the Bible alone, is our rule of faith,
and that the sayings and doings of men are not to
be a criterion for our doctrines or actions. One grand
lesson must be taught to the children, and that is
that they must be free from every particle of egotism
and bigotry. Teach them that The Messiah died to save
sinners, and that those who are not of our faith are
to be labored for with great tenderness and forbearance,
for their souls are precious in the sight of Elohim.


No one must be regarded with contempt. There must
be no Pharisaism, no self-righteousness.
There are many true Christians not of our faith,
with whom we come in contact, who live according
to the best light that they have, and they are in greater
favor with Elohim than are those who have greater light
but who have not improved it by showing corresponding

The above quotation shows us the the Seventh-day Adventist belief that "the weekly cycle is an unbreakkable cycle of 7's from creation week until now, never lost track of . . . " holds no weight at all because not one sentiment of this thought is established anywhere in Scripture, unless it is twisted out of context when the abundance of evidence shows clearly that the Biblical weekly cycle begins the day after the day "The New Moon is consecrated", or after the New Moon Day, The Qodesh of Yehovah.

Isaiah 57:15 For thus saith The High and Lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, Whose Name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

-BC- 7BC
-TI- S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7
-CN- REV14
-CT- Revelation
-PR- 07
-PG- 977

(Ch. 7:2, 3). The Question Before Us Now. --The Sabbath question
is to be the issue in the great final conflict, in which all the world will
act a part. Men have honored Satan's principles above the principles that
rule in the heavens. They have accepted the spurious sabbath, which Satan
has exalted as the sign of his authority. But Elohim has set His Seal upon His
Royal Requirement. Each Sabbath Institution, both True and false, bears the
Name of its Author, an ineffaceable Mark that shows the Authority of each.

Below is the lunar calendar Institution, embedded or "hidden" in Leviticus 1:1 in the Hebrew "Language of Heaven" As He "Dwells in Eternity" so the 4 letters of His Name are not counted as a "day" in this example of His Name authoring the 4 lunar weekly cycles, which are the only weekly cycles illustrated in Scriptures. So thus the dimension of time is "Authored" by His Great Name, read again Isaiah 57:15 above. As He sits upon the "circle of the earth" "Isaiah 40:22 It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:", above the North pole center of this "dome" above a flat stationary earth, as Scripture tells us that
Psalm 93:1 Yehovah reigneth, He is clothed with Majesty; Yehovah is clothed with strength, wherewith He hath girded Himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.
Psalm 96:10 Say among the heathen that Yehovah reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: He shall judge the people righteously.
1Chronicles 16:30 Fear before Him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved.
This example below also teaches us that The New Moon Day, is before the weekly cycles, as it was there hovering above the face of the waters before creation week started. On day 4 He "appointed" the greater and lesser lights, "for seasons" or "moeds" or "appointments" for calendar. (read Genesis 1)

-TI- Prophets and Kings
-CN- 57
-CT- Reformation
-PR- 02
-PG- 678
In the time of the end every Divine Institution is to be
restored. The breach made in The Law at the time the Sabbath
was changed by man, is to be repaired.
Elohim's remnant
people, standing before the world as reformers, are to show
that The Law of Elohim is the foundation of all enduring
reform and that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment
is to stand as a memorial of creation, a constant reminder
of the power of Elohim
(In Genesis 1 He appointed the greater and lesser lights for signals and appointments, in other words for calendation as a calendar in an "Institution" bearing the weekly cycles).
 In clear, distinct lines they are to
present the necessity of obedience to all the precepts of the
Decalogue. Constrained by the love of The Messiah, they are to
co-operate with Him in building up the waste places. They
are to be repairers of the breach, restorers of paths to dwell
in. See verse 12.

The Divine Istitution that will be repaired when He shows His 10 commandments on the two tables of stone, when the Sunday Law is enforced.  Exodus 20:8 "Mark even day, the New Moon, to consecrate It."  This is the 1st line of the 4th Commandment.

The thought to keep in mind reading the following passage is, "why did they start back with trembling, at the 4th Commandment on the Tables of Stone, if it was the same as what is printed in their Bibles? Why didn't they "start back with trembling" when reading Commandments 1, 2, and 3? To me this suggests the thought that the information given on the Tables of Stone, starting the 4th Commandment, is indeed different than the information printed in all Bibles, starting the 4th Commandment.

-TI- Early Writings of Ellen G. White
-CN- 3
-CT- Spiritual Gifts
-PR- 01
-PG- 255
It was represented to me that the remnant followed
Yehoshua into the most holy place and beheld the ark
and the mercy seat, and were captivated with their
glory. Yehoshua then raised the cover of the ark, and
lo! the tables of stone, with the ten commandments
written upon them. They trace down the lively oracles,
but start back with trembling when they see the
fourth commandment among the ten holy precepts,
with a brighter light shining upon it than upon the
other nine, and a halo of glory all around it. They
find nothing there informing them that the Sabbath
has been abolished, or changed to the first day of
the week. The commandment reads as when spoken
by the voice of Elohim in solemn and awful grandeur
upon the mount, while the lightnings flashed and the
thunders rolled; it is the same as when written with
His own finger on the tables of stone: "Six days shalt

(The 1st line of the 4th Commandment was left out, because that is the part of the 4th commandment that is to be repaired, restoring the lunar calendar Institution.)

thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day
is the Sabbath of Yehovah thy Elohim." They are
amazed as they behold the care taken of the ten
commandments. They see them placed close by Jehovah,
overshadowed and protected by His holiness. They
see that they have been trampling upon the fourth
commandment of the decalogue, and have observed a


day handed down by the heathen and papists, instead
of the day sanctified by Jehovah. They humble themselves
before Elohim and mourn over their past transgressions.

The following represents the two "Sabbath Institutions" both True and false. The White Banner represents the "lunar calendar Institution" and the black banner represents the false worldly calendar with its continuous unbreakable "planetary week"

-BC- 1SG
-TI- Spiritual Gifts. Volume 1
-CN- 17
-CT- The Great Apostasy
-PR- 02
-PG- 105
It was presented before me in the following manner: A large company of heathen idolaters bore a black banner upon which were figures of the sun, moon and stars. The company seemed to be very fierce and angry. I was then shown another company bearing a pure white banner, and upon it was written Purity, and Holiness unto YHVH(Y'hovah). Their countenances were marked with firmness and heavenly resignation. I saw the heathen idolaters approach them, and there was a great slaughter. The Christians melted away before them; and yet the Christian company pressed the more closely together, and held the banner more firmly. As many fell, others rallied around the banner and filled their places.

-BC- 1SG
-TI- Spiritual Gifts. Volume 1
-CN- 17
-CT- The Great Apostasy
-PR- 03
-PG- 105
I saw the company of idolaters consulting


together. They failed to make the Christians yield, and they agreed to another plan. I saw them lower their banner, and they approached that firm Christian company, and made propositions to them. At first their propositions were utterly refused. Then I saw the Christian company consulting together. Some said that they would lower the banner, accept the propositions, and save their lives, and at last they could gain strength to raise their banner among those heathen idolaters. But some would not yield to this plan, but firmly chose to die holding their banner, rather than lower it. Then I saw many of that Christian company lower the banner, and unite with the heathen; while the firm and steadfast seized the banner, and bore it high again. I saw individuals continually leaving the company of those bearing the pure banner, and joining the idolaters, and they united together under the black banner, to persecute those bearing the white banner, and many were slain; yet the white banner was held high, and individuals were raised up to rally around it.



     Elohim REQUIRES ALL who believe the truth to make SPECIAL, PERSEVERING EFFORTS to place themselves in the BEST POSSIBLE CONDITION of BODILY HEALTH, for a solemn and important work is before us.  HEALTH of BODY and MIND is REQUIRED FOR THIS WORK; IT IS as ESSENTIAL to a Healthy Religious Experience, to advancement in the Yahdian life, and progress in HOLINESS, as is the hand or foot to the human body.   Elohim requires His people to CLEANSE THEMSELVES from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of Yehovah.  All those who are indifferent and excuse themselves from this WORK, waiting for Yehovah to do for them that which HE REQUIRES THEM TO DO FOR THEMSELVES, will be found wanting when the meek of the earth, who have wrought HIS JUDGMENTS, are hid in the day of Yehovah's anger.  I was shown that if Elohim's PEOPLE make no efforts on their part, but wait for THE REFRESHING to come upon them and remove their wrongs and correct their errors; if they depend upon that to CLEANSE THEM from filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and fit them to engage in the LOUD CRY OF THE THIRD ANGEL, they will be found wanting.  THE REFRESHING OR POWER OF Elohim comes only on those who have PREPARED THEMSELVES FOR IT by doing the WORK which Elohim bids them, namely, CLEANSING THEMSELVES from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting HOLINESS in the fear of Elohim.  Testimonies for the Church   Vol.1, page 619

A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education-PG- 45
A Solemn Warning

Let the church arise and shine. Let every family practice self-denial, doing all they can to improve their own condition. Those who are truly on Yehovah's side will be self-denying and self-sacrificing. They will eat and drink to The Glory of Elohim, refusing to corrupt soul and body by intemperance. Then the condition of the church will testify that her light has not been removed. But (p.46) if church members do not act the part Elohim has assigned them, the movement of health reform will go on without them, and it will be seen that Elohim has removed their candlestick out of its place. Those who refuse to receive and practice The Light will be left in the background.--Manuscript 78, 1900.

 Gospel Workers
The Missionary
Page 383

John says, "I saw another angel come down from
heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened
with his glory."[1 REV. 18:1.] Then, as at the Pentecostal


season, the people will hear The Truth spoken to them,
every man in his own tongue. Elohim can breathe new
life into every soul that sincerely desires to serve
Him, and can touch the lips with a live coal from off
the altar, and cause them to become eloquent with
His Praise
. Thousands of voices will be imbued with
the power to speak forth The Wonderful Truths of
Elohim's Word. The stammering tongue will be loosed,
and the timid will be made strong to bear courageous
testimony to The Truth. May Yehovah help His people
to cleanse the soul-temple from every defilement,
and to maintain so close a connection with Him that
they may be partakers of the Latter Rain when it shall
be poured out.

-TI- Sermons and Talks Volume One
-CT- Keep the Commandments
-PR- 02
-PG- 235
He will teach them the Truths of the Scriptures as we have never seen
them before, and it will take all eternity to understand The Word that has
been crowded out of the mind by false teachers. Elohim has been made of no
effect by their tradition. But He will give us increased Light, and wipe
all tears from our eyes.

I want to say this to you because we have all been transgressing The
Law of Jehovah. Live up to every ray of Light that you have received. Your
eternal interests are involved here, and that is why I say, "Cherish every


ray of Light." On your knees ask Messiah to impress your heart by His Holy
Spirit, and turn not away from His Law.

I believe increasing blood purity, which is fundamental for a clear mind, with following the Seal of Yah in nature, to increase nerve cell membrane voltages and overall health is part of this work, which is made clearer as the Sunday Law, and Ten Commandment issue is brought to the forefront, as The Latter Rain begins to gush forth with 10 times the power of Pentecost. When it is seen "His Hands" have taken the reins. As Ellen White tells us that "humble men who have not sought position take up the work"

1Co 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of Elohim.

Choose the numbers of His Name Yah, 10 and 5 in the food you eat.

Psa 68:4 Sing unto Elohim, sing praises to His Name: extol Him that rideth upon the heavens by His Name YAH, and rejoice before Him. 

Education p. 303, In all created things he may trace one handwriting--in the vast universe behold "Elohim's Name writ large,"
 (yod-he-vav-he)(the Tetragrammaton, 4 letter Hebrew Name "Yehovah" The Seal upon His moedim calendar as seen embedded in Hebrew in Leviticus 1:1, the Seal of Yah in nature, the Seal upon His people's forheads)(Ron Wyatt's work I believe is from Above, as and because it is rejected by the populus here below, as is all soul saving Truth, The Ark of The Covenant found, spoken to by one of the four guardian Angels) (The Favor of Yehovah is bliss and happiness and intellectual delight in connecting the Threads of Truth in the Framework and Fabric of The Whole Truth, as your love and appreciation of Our Father in Heaven's infinite Love and infinite Wisdom increases: The Frown of Yehovah, by rejecting Truth, is the epitome of misery, gloom, and guilt and unhappiness, as in the 2nd vision in the daystar articles, satan breathes on those who stayed at the throne, praying to the false names, an unholy influence in which there is light and much power, but NO sweet love, joy and peace: those still in the fallen SDA churches after the Latter Rain has fully "soaked" the earth in the Whole Truth, The Name issue and the Sabbath's of His Name, is the pivotal point in . . . Study the 2nd vision in the Daystar Articles, as Ellen White says this vision "is of vast importence to the saints", as it sheds light on the Latter Rain and separation in the ranks of believers. Those who endure the hardships of hunger and persecution for The Truth's sake.

Medical Ministry - Counsels and Cautions-PG- 156
 A Solemn Warning
Yehovah has instructed me to warn those who establish sanitariums in new places to begin their work in humility. They are to consecrate their abilities to Elohim, to be used to The Glory of His Name. (Yehovah)

Neh 9:5 Then the Levites, Jeshua, and Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah, said, Stand up and bless Yehovah your Elohim for ever and ever: and blessed be Thy Glorious Name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise.

Psa_138:2 I will worship toward Thy Holy Temple, and praise Thy Name for Thy lovingkindness and for Thy Truth: for thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy Name. (His Name gives Authority to His Word. His Commandments are not greater than His Name)
retranslate more correctly "I will worship toward temple Your Holy; and give thanks to Your Name. For Your mercy, and for Your Truth; for You have magnified above all Your Name, Your Word. (from Interlinear hebrew english, words below the hebrew words)

Some say that the feast of weeks disproves the Lunar based calendation of the weekly cycle. This is because they do not count according to the specific directions of this count in Leviticus 23:15, and 16. After 7 lunar based weekly cycles to the next day after the 7th sabbath complete, to begin a 50 day count, every day here counts, whereas only the weeks are counted in "seven Sabbaths complete". This is over 100 literal days, and ususally ends up on the 4th quarter Sabbath of the moon, which moon was commanded as moedim calendation, with the sun (Two Great Lights), in Genesis 1:15-17

Study Daniel 2:44 and compare Zechariah 14

The Laws of mathematics, the numbers,  simply, addition and subtraction proves the lunar weekly cycle in Scripture, and forensics show an attempt to remove it.
Did our Creator forget to gives us a monthly calendar, no, He gave us a lunar calendar. History shows us the Israelites used to keep a calendar of weeks that were synchronized with the four weekly cycles of the moon. Each Sabbath had the same lunar month day number every lunar month. There was no continuous weekly cycles, dis synchronos from the month. The man of sin has changed our Bibles concerning the fourth commandment's first line, as the original says "Mark even day, the New Moon, to consecrate It" and He calls It, "My Qodesh Day", then the weekly cycle of 6 work days and the 7th rest day, 4 continuous cycles each moon. This is why the Israeli priest would say "The New Moon is Consecrated", each and every New Moon Day. The man of sin has gone to great lengths through history to altar Scripture and hide the Truth of the Biblical weekly cycles of the moon, and deceive us with the lie, "The weekly cycle is an unbreakable cycle of 7's from creation week until now, never lost track of", which false sentiment is indicated no where, and not at all in The Scriptures by which we are to be judged.

It is very simple as the 4th Commandment begins with "Mark even day, The New Moon, to consecrate It", then six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, and the 7th day is Shabat...

1Corinthians 14:33 For Elohim is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
The Sabbaths of the two weeklong feasts, beginning and ending on the 7th day Sabbath, are in synchrony with the lunar based Scriptural weekly cycle. That is the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Unleavened bread is the first 7 days of 8 days, and Tabernacles are dwelling in booths the last 7 days of 8 days. Absolute Perfection is The Mark of all which The Most High touches. And is the basis of all, both physical and spiritual which gives rise to the former, as The Qodesh Spirit moves.

This is Daniel Chapter 8, "Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed" but the accurate translation is "Then shall the Most Holy Day be repaired" or the 4th commandment breach be repaired, "Mark even Day, The New Moon to consecrate It" Instead of "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep It Holy". As "the Daily" or "The New Moon Day" is the main subject of Danel chapter 8. It is abundantly obvious that the "prince of the host" in our heavens, is the sun. The leader of the planetary week.

So Sun worship = keeping time by the solar calendar, instead of the lunar calendar, throwing away "The Daily" or "The New Moon Day" See "The Two Banners" an Ellen White dream or vision. Another "dream" she had that reminds me of the booklet "Now", "a vivid view of future events"

An impromptu logical ramblings:
Friend, if in Exodus 16, on the 15th day of the moon, they gathered together and complained of their hunger to Moses, the next six days manna fell, (16th-21st), and the 7th day, the 22nd, was Sabbath with no manna, then the 15th was also Shabat being 7 days previous to the 1st day manna didn't fall on the 22nd: 15 + 7 = 22, then the 22nd was Shabat, and likewise 22 + 7 = 29, the 29th or 4th quarter Shabat, and likewise 15 - 7 = 8,  the 1st quarter Shabat, and likewise 8 - 7 =1, which is the 1st day of the moon called the "New Moon Day", which is not a 7th day Shabat but rather the "Holy" day, which is not a day of any week, but preceeds the 1st week of the moon, which week is month days 2-8, six work days and 7th day Sabbath. Leviticus 23:35, 36 show us that the 15th and the 22nd, are the first and eighth day of the feast of tabernacles and are sabbaths, the lunar based weekly 7th day sabbaths. They went home from the feast after the 7th day sabbath the 22nd, on the 23rd day of the moon. See:
2Ch 7:10 And on the three and twentieth day of the seventh month he sent the people away into their tents, glad and merry in heart for the goodness that Yehovah had shewed unto David, and to Solomon, and to Israel his people.
So we see a pattern of Truth in Scripture by simply looking at the date's and numbers that is in the Scripture of Truth.

Lev 23:39 Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast (of tabernacles-living in booths) unto Yehovah seven days(16th-22nd of living in booths, commemorative of when leaving Egypt, they lived in booths; arriving at campsite they didn't sleep in a booth on the evening of the 15th, the 7th day Sabbath, but built the booths on the next day, the 1st of the six working days): on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath.
(they built a booth on the 1st day of the week, the 16th and lived in it through the 22nd), packed up and went home on the 23rd day of the month, or moon.
(15th is Sabbath and 22nd is Sabbath, 15 + 7 = 22) 15th is 1st day of feast and the 7th day Sabbath, 16th is 2nd day of the feast, 17th is 3rd, 18th is 4th, 19 is 5th, 20th is 6th, 21st is 7th day of feast, 22nd is 8th day of feast and the 7th day Sabbath of the weekly cycle, so this feast begins and ends on the 7th day weekly Shabat, being the 1st and 8th day of this moed-feast-assembly-appointment in time, which time calendation was established in Genesis 1:14-19.

The 1st day of Tabernacles and the 8th day are both 7 day sabbaths, and to build a booth on the 1st day of the feast, which is a 7th day  Sabbath is forbidden, as the man picking up sticks was commanded to be stoned. Logically it is  the next day after the 1st day of the feast which was a 7th day Sabbath, which is the 1st day of the week that the command to build a booth is given. And to live in that booth for the last 7 days of the 8 day feast, ending on the 22nd, a 7th day Sabbath. Rising up the next day, the 23rd day; break camp and go home.
2Ch 5:3 Wherefore all the men of Israel assembled themselves unto the king in the feast which was in the seventh month.
2Ch 7:10 And on the three and twentieth day of the seventh month he sent the people away into their tents, glad and merry in heart for the goodness that Yehovah had shewed unto David, and to Solomon, and to Israel his people.
Lev 23:34 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto Yehovah.
Lev 23:35 On the first day shall be an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.
Lev 23:36 Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto Yehovah: on the eighth day shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto Yehovah: it is a solemn assembly; and ye shall do no servile work therein.

Physiology in Health and Disease by Carl J. Wiggers M.D., D.Sc., F.A.C.P.
Professor of physiology and director of physiology department in the school of medicine of Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
4th edition Lea & Febiger Copyright 1944
Photosynthesis-Calorimetry-Oxidation-Energetics of Muscular Contraction-Fatigue.
page 62
“Practically all the energy released by living bodies is derived from the potential energy of their food constituents. The amount of these substances available represents the capacity factor, and the chemical affinities of the several substances, i.e., their chemical potentials, determine the intensity factor. In the breakdown of substances, energy is either released (exothermic1 reactions) or is absorbed from its surrounding medium (endothermic1 reactions).”

As Adam and Eve had the test of appetite before the fall, so now before the translation of the 144,000 "in number!" without seeing death, This pattern in eating and drinking, to The Glory of His Name, is a test, to separate the earnest from those not in earnest, (the careless and indifferent in her second vision in the Daystar Articles, the one she says "Is of vast importance to the saints") to be one of "That chosen Number", who will stand in a perfect square on The Sea of Glass. 36,000 on each side, or 36,001 counting one corner twice, as each side has two endpoints or corners. Who will comprise the honored position of occupying a corner? Four corners!

I learned of this pattern of 5 & 10 from Dr. Norman Gonzales back in 1985, attending his lectures is South Orlando Florida. He is from Puerto Rico. He shared many of Ellen White quotes about the True Medical Ministry, and it's important relation to the Gospel Ministry, as the Right Arm of the Message.

Deu 22:9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled.
This command is a child of the 7th commandment Exo 20:14 "Thou shalt not commit adultery." which produces "unholiness" or "defiled", or something damaging and unhealthy.

Elohim endowed man with so great VITAL FORCE that he has withstood the accumulation of disease brought upon the race in consequence of perverted habits, and has continued for SIX THOUSAND YEARS. This fact of itself is enough to evidence to us the STRENGTH and ELECTRICAL ENERGY that Elohim gave to man at his creation. It took more than TWO THOUSAND YEARS of crime and indulgence of base passions to bring bodily disease upon the race to any great extent. If Adam, at his creation, had not been endowed with TWENTY TIMES as much VITAL FORCE as men now have, the race, with their present habits of living in violation of NATURAL LAW, would have become extinct.
...Man came from the hand of his Creator, perfect and beautiful in form, and so filled with VITAL FORCE that it was more than a THOUSAND YEARS before his corrupt appetites and passions, and general violations of PHYSICAL LAW, were sensibly felt upon the race. ... The VITAL FORCES have been greatly weakened by the indulgence of appetite and lustful passion. Testimonies for the Church Vol. 3, p. 138, 139

The brain nerves which communicate with the entire system are the only medium through which Heaven can communicate to man and affect his inmost life. Whatever disturbs the CIRCULATION of the ELECTRIC CURRENTS in the nervous system lessens the STRENGTH of the VITAL POWERS, and the result is a deadening of the SENSIBILITIES OF THE MIND. Testimonies for the Church V 2, p.347


Eating endothermic (energy absorbing) food, decreases your vital electric life force energy. (ATP and cellular voltage and power)
You can avoid eating endothermic food by selecting food that has "The Seal of Yah in Nature" i.e. foods displaying the pattern of 10 and 5, or onions with 1 central nucleus, or small tomatoes that have two lobes when cut around the diameter, or apples cut the same way showing 5 points in the core or lemons with 10 plugs etc.

The Book of Enoch
Chapter 69
And all these believe and give thanks before Yehovah of Spirits, and glorify (Him) with all their power, and their food is in every act of thanksgiving: they thank and glorify and extol the name of Yehovah of Spirits for ever and ever.]

From Ellen White first vision
Then Yehoshua would encourage them by raising His Glorious Right Arm, and from His Arm came a glorious light which waved over the Advent band, and they shouted, HalleluYah! (Hallelu Yah means "Praise ye Yah".)


קָדֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ
qâdôsh qâdôsh
kaw-doshe', kaw-doshe'
From H6942; sacred (ceremonially or morally); (as noun) God (by eminence), an angel, a saint, a sanctuary: - holy (One), saint.
Total KJV occurrences: 116

The Hebrew Tetragrammaton is "Qadosh" not the name "The Lord" which is not "Qadosh", which is a reform point the 144,000 hold prior to that Name, "Yehovah - YHVH", being written in their foreheads.

What is the Testimony of Yehoshua?
John 17:6 "I have manifested Thy Name unto the men which Thou gavest Me out of the world: Thine they were, and Thou gavest them Me; and they have kept Thy Word."

Isa 64:2 As when the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make Thy Name known to Thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Thy Presence!

Pro 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

The True 4th commandment, contains a component of the 4th day of creation week. The Moon, which sets "moeds" called in the translations "seasons", whereas "moeds" simply means scheduled appointments, but the word "seasons" makes you think of the 4 seasons of the year. The Scriptures have been breached, which is why we are the "repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in"

Who calls forth the weekly cycle? Answer:
On the tablet of stone, hidden in a cave, Jeremiah's grotto, by the ark of the covenant:
YHVH wrote with His Finger:

"Remember the New Moon day to keep it holy..." (calendation reference point)

(This is the breach repaired-the restoration of the lunar paths of time to calendate by, or dwell in)(the restoration of "the transgression" which cast the Truth to the ground in Daniel 8:12, and the restoration of The Daily(weekly cycles) and the Holy Day(New Moon Day) from "the transgression of desolation" in Daniel 8:13. (transgression of desolation of His Calendation of Time, by changing Torah, is prohibited by Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:32.)
And Daniel 8:14---2300 years then shall "The Most Holy Day" be cleansed repaired restored.
The transgression of desolation was the work of revising the Scriptures to get by with keeping the worldly calendar, doing away with His lunar weeks, hiding His True 4th Command, Yes we have been greatly deceived, and indeed are:
"we are deceived upon every point, except the specific points, that Elohim has undeceived us upon." - Bruce Spivey (who gave me my first Strong's Concordance)
So 2300 years from the point in time the Scriptures were removed of the True 4th Command "Remember the New Moon Day to keep It Holy", will be when the Angels bring forth the Tablets of Stone in hiding, showing The Truth!

This is why any archeological findings of Scriptures are "pounced" upon at once, lest this Truth be let out.

If we keep the incorrect Sabbath day, will He sanctify us? Ask yourself, are you leaving your salvation to the minister, to tell you when the Sabbath days are? It behooves each one, to study and examine the basis of their belief. Is it in a system of time keeping handed down to us by the heathen and papists? Or is the weekly cycle we keep the only one authorized in Scripture with His Name endorsing the 4 weeks (Lev. 1:1-masoretic text encrypted by sequence of 7 letters after each letter of His Name) of each moon (the lesser light) given to us in Genesis 1:14-19, for moeds-appointments.

six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work,
and the 7th day is a shabat unto YHVH thy Elohim"
4th command on Stone Tablet

The Hebrew word root meanings indicate that this ordinance of the moon, are engraved upon tablets of stone, this is why the believers are "surprised" to see "Remember the New Moon Day to keep It Holy". Another thought, the text "from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another"; this is a tell tell sign that the 4th command has the New Moon Day in it also, as Ellen White confirms Isaiahs prophecy in the earth made new, and through the Holy Spirit intimates the presence of this New Moon Day to be in the 4th command. And on the 4th day of creation He set two great lights in the firmament, the greater to rule the day and the lesser to rule the night, and He made the stars also; to be for signs, moed-appointments, for days and years, not a free-wheeling number without connection to nature, but all things have system and order.

Truth is functional reality, He tied the weeks to the New Moon Day, and the "transgression of desolation" was this removal from Scriptures, and also His Great Name, from Scriptures.

But YHVH Elohim has set His Seal upon His Royal Requirement. Each Sabbath institution, both True and false, bears The Name of It's Author, an ineffaceable Mark that shows The Authority of each. S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7-CN- REV14-CT- Revelation-PR- 07-PG- 977

See: The Modern Seven Day Week: Exploring the History of a Lie

This last great battle of "Armageddon" is really "har-moedim" the battle of the "Mounting" of the "Moeds" * the New Moon day, and the 4 monthly 7th day sabbaths. Each sabbath institution bears the Name of its Author, Leviticus 1:1 shows us how YHVH is stamped upon His 4 weekly quartely sabbaths in each month, His "Sabbath Institution". Saturday bears the name of "Satan" as that is what "satyr" in ancient chaldee means, from which "satyr-n's" day is named.
* see SDA Bible Commentary on "armageddon" as the correct view is the second view of being a battle over time-moeds, rather than a physical location.

Traveling The Narrow Way

-BC- 14MR
-TI- Manuscript Releases Volume Fourteen
-CN- 1097
-CT- The True Sabbath versus the False Sabbath; an Appeal for Total Commitment
-PR- 03
-PG- 91
An idol sabbath has been set up, as the golden image was set up in the
plains of Dura. And as Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, issued a decree
that all who would not bow down and worship this image should be killed, so
a proclamation will be made that all who will not reverence the Sunday
institution will be punished with imprisonment and death. Thus the Sabbath
of YHVH is trampled underfoot. But YHVH has declared, "Woe unto
them that decree unrighteous decrees, and write grievousness which they have
prescribed" [Isa. 10:1]. [Zeph. 1:14-18; 2:1-3, quoted.]
Maranatha p. 131 May 3 clip - There are many who have never understood the claims of the Bible Sabbath and the false foundation upon  which the Sunday institution rests. (Note, the false foundation is the planetary week, instead of the Biblical week)

It is more than the battle over Saturday or Sunday, it is a battle over YHVH's Institution of Time, versus Rome's Institution of Time. The pagan calendar or YHVH's calendation established in Genesis 1:14, the three angel's message, worship Him as Creator, respecting His Institution of Time.

Gen 1:2 And the earthH776 wasH1961 without form,H8414 and void;H922 and darknessH2822 was uponH5921 the faceH6440 of the deep.H8415 And the SpiritH7307 of ElohimH430 movedH7363 uponH5921 the faceH6440 of the waters.H4325

Here we see "spirit" or "ruach" has the root of "y'rayach" or 'ruach' preceeded with the "yod" which letter in the Tetragrammaton represents "The Father".
From the same as H3391; the moon: - moon.

The moon hovered over the face of the waters with The Holy Spirit, and Y'hoshua before He began the work of creating this world, representing The New Moon Day, which comprises the first and last of New moon time and old moon time as it circles above the earth, the basis of all Divine Appointments. And as Yehoshua is the first and last, the beginning and the end, the Alef and Tav. The letter 'Vav' represents "The Son" in the Tetragrammaton, and represents Y'hoshua and the New Moon Day, as 'Vav' means 'conjunction' and is the first letter of Leviticus 1:1

-TI- A Word to the Little Flock

-PR- 02
-PG- 12
You think, that those who worship before the saint's feet,
(Rev. 3:9), will at last be saved. Here I must differ with
you; for Elohim shew me that this class were professed Adventists,
who had fallen away, and "crucified to themselves the
Son of Elohim afresh, and put Him to an open shame." And in
the "hour of temptation," which is yet to come, to show out
every one's true character, they will know that they are forever
lost; and overwhelmed with anguish of spirit, they will bow
at the saint's feet.

"The Two Crowns" Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White page 162
    "Some became disgusted with the company who sought it (the earthly crown of riches) so eagerly; they seemed to have a sense of their danger, and turned from it, and earnestly sought for the heavenly crown. The countenances of such soon changed from dark to light, from gloom to cheerfulness and holy joy."

Inherent in Truth or "EMeT", the Hebrew word for "Truth", spelled with the first middle and last letter of the Hebrew Alef-Bet, is "power" to "save".
Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Dear Reader, in your search for Truth or EMeT, look for the patterns of infinite perfections, all points blending perfectly into the "fabric" of "Truth".

The True Witness says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock." Rev. 3:20. Every warning, reproof, and entreaty in the Word of Elohim or through His messengers is a knock at the door of the heart. It is the voice of Yehoshua asking for entrance. With every knock unheeded, the dispostition to open becomes weaker. The impressions of the Holy Spirit if disregarded today, will not be as strong tomorrow. The heart becomes less impressible, and lapses into a perilous unconsciousness of the shortness of life, and of the great eternity beyond. Our condemnation in the judgment will not result from the fact that we have been in error, but from the fact that we have neglected heaven-sent opportunities for learning what is Truth. Desire of Ages p. 489, 490

At the top of the scale of Vital Electric Life Force Energy is abundant health, with a high cellular membrane voltage.

At the bottom of the scale, just before death, is extremely low energy-cancer and all types of disease, and the cancer cell has an extremely low voltage, and at death the cells have zero voltage.

Starting off the cancer  & disease industry, Rockefeller hired Dr. Flexnor; and he managed after years of persuasion to get the AMA to denounce electro-medicine(popular at the time-used extensively by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg), as being quackery. And modernly made a mockery of electro-medicine by the film "the road to wellville"
Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; Elohim is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Many sent home to die, are now rejoicing in new found health and strength because of Dr. Robert Beck's modern pulser,(no affiliation) the small equvalent of the old large "electric batteries" used a century and more ago. Chemistry for the health sciences links cancer to low ATP which means low energy which means low cellular membrane voltage, as the active transport pumps require plenty of ATP to maintain sodium potassium balance as reflected by cellular membrane voltage.

Thus was launched the mafia controlled pharmaceutical industry and legislation to enforce their dogmatic science falsely so called.

Gen 2:7 And YHVH Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Deu 12:23 Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh.
Oxygen is "life" for us. Ozone is supercharged "life" for us.
Ozonated water, is "Water of Life"

Since cancer fundamentally occurs, when the cell, due to hypoxia, converts to partial fermentation-as a means to create ATP, as a source of energy, to stay alive;  as the cell dies, when it can no longer "recharge" ATP energy using oxygen;
Then the cancer cells(normal cells that have converted to partial fermentation as a source of energy) are susceptible to damage from Ozone, which is supercharged Oxygen, O3. Normal cells can handle limited amounts, but ozone is deadly to the cell that has converted to partial fementation, just like most parasites die when exposed to h2o2, as the worms, like cancer cells, also create ATP from fermentation of sugar in the intestines. Colon cancer is common, as the parasites dwelling there secrete a poison causing the sweet food there to ferment. The parasites pinch the blood supply with their muscular contrations, causing hypoxia, and the normal cells convert also to fermentation to stay alive, as their blood supplying oxygen has been drastically reduced.

Apparently ozone kills organisms dependent upon fermentation whereas oxygen is life for organisms and cells dependent wholly upon oxidative reduction energy systems.

An old compilation of favorite quotes, I used caps a lot for emphasis, I do not mean "shouting". I try to stop it now, though I copy and paste from it still, as shown below in the next quote.

The word of Elohim in His law is binding upon every intelligent mind. The truth for this time, the third angel's message, is to be proclaimed with a loud voice, meaning with increasing power, as we approach THE GREAT FINAL TEST. THIS TEST must come to the churches in connection with the TRUE MEDICAL MISSIONARY WORK, a work that has the Great Physician to dictate and preside in all it comprehends.
Manuscript Releases Volume Ten CHAPTER NUMBER- 829 CHAPTER TITLE- The Third Angel's Message PARAGRAPH 01 PAGE 314

Every human being will have to give an account to Elohim for the way in which he has used his ENTRUSTED TALENTS. We are under obligation to use our powers aright that we may be qualified for eternal life in the kingdom of Elohim. Elohim DEMANDS PERFECTION FROM EVERY HUMAN BEING. We are to BE PERFECT IN THIS LIFE OF HUMANITY, even as Elohim IS PERFECT in HIS DIVINE CHARACTER.
This day with Elohim p. 318, 319

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

This True medical missionary work that our Saviour Personally directs will have "The Seal of Yah in Nature" with the numbers of yod=10 and He=5, yod he = "Yah" (this is why the saints on the path to the Holy City shout "halleluYah" when Y'hoShua raises His Glorious Right Arm), which guides into the obedience of Leviticus 19:19 & Deuteronomy 22:9 which are an enlargement of the 7th of the 10 commands from The Most High, adultery, which produces "defilement". And this is why Isa 28:8 For all tables(meals) are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.  As unclean = defilement, in this case endothermic absorbing vital life force energy from your body's electro-chemistry.

Jonah 2:8 They that observe lying vanities(eat food without the Seal of Yah) forsake their own mercy(rob themselves of electric-vital-life-force-energy).

With the third or fourth angel's message, Worship Him as Creator respecting the repaired fourth command "Remember the New Moon Day to keep it Holy... Rest on the 7th day of His weekly cycle, not Rome's planetary week.

The transgression of desolation of Daniel 8 is this tampering and removal of the texts in the Law dealing with the New Moon Lunar calendar commands with the lunar based weeks, which began in 285 b.c. with the septuagint version, 2300 years later ending in 2016, (Jan 9, 2017, I think it was when this Septuagint was completed, not when the translation work began, years earlier) when the tables of stone are brought out bearing the 4th command "remember the New Moon Day to keep It Holy", and this version also did away with His Holy Tetragrammaton Name and His Son's Name, and Title Elohim.

Some extra Light?, what He revealed to me after I prayed "Why do foods with the pattern of 10 and 5 give energy, and those that don't, take energy, precisely how?" and as I was getting one leg up from my knees came His Gracious answer, as a clear distinct thought instantly and complete -

"The number of sections in a fruit, or petals on a flowering bud, are an expression from the genes, a parallel reflection of the instruction set controlling and describing the molecular configuration, which determines the resulting electro-polarity, if the reaction will absorb or release electrons"   46 words, 4 & 6 = 10, Halle lu Yah!

When a large meal of food is eaten that do not exhibit in the "flowering bud" with the Seal, of the numbers of His Glorious Name, yod he, there is a large draft of electrons absorbed from your body. The voltage activating your cerebral cortex is lessened, and you cannot think quite as clearly as before that large endothermic meal. Now what does your logic tell you, is it good or evil to have an energized clear thinking intellect, more capable of discernment between righteousness and wickedness, between obedience to The Law of Yehovah, or dis-obedience to The Law of Yehovah?

Since "Yah" is in "halleluYah", then when the saints on the path shout "HalleluYah" when Yehoshua raises His Glorious Right Arm (representing His True Medical Missionary Work) then this "The Seal of Yah" in nature must be a part of this Glorious Light, shining forth in it's blazing glory, because of the Greatness and Power and Might and Salvation connected with His Glorious Name, which is stamped as a seal upon His True calendar Sabbaths as seen in Leviticus 1:1. In ministry of healing Ellen White mentions that if we followed the health laws in Leviticus, we would have health. So this expose' is an enlargement of the Law of Lev. 19:19 & Deut. 22:9 which are based upon the principle of "Adultery" the 7th commandment of The Ten Commandments.
"...the path of obedience to nature's laws is the direct path to heaven" Councils on Health p. 222 Yehovah's time is connected to nature, the sun moon and stars see Genesis 1, Rome's time is disconnected from the moon timing the weeks mathematically only, disconnected from the moon.

Psalms 104:19 He appointedH6213 the moonH3394 for seasons:H4150* the sunH8121 knowethH3045 his going down.H3996

* H4150

מוֹעָדָה מֹעֵד מוֹעֵד
mô‛êd mô‛êd mô‛âdâh
mo-ade', mo-ade', mo-aw-daw'
From H3259; properly an appointment, that is, a fixed time or season; specifically a festival; conventionally a year; by implication, an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose); technically the congregation; by extension, the place of meeting; also a signal (as appointed beforehand): - appointed (sign, time), (place of, solemn) assembly, congregation, (set, solemn) feast, (appointed, due) season, solemn (-ity), synagogue, (set) time (appointed).
Total KJV occurrences: 223

"got their eyes off the Mark and lost sight of Yehoshua" see Desire of Ages, to reject Yehoshua's Message, is to reject Yehoshua.
This "Mark" is His Name and His calendar which His Name bears showing us when the 7th day Sabbath is, and the Numbers of His short Name "Yah" 10 & 5, showing us safe exothermic foods to eat. This is Yehoshua raising His Glorious Right Arm, on the path to the Holy City.

Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other El: for Yehovah, Who is jealous of His Name, is a jealous El.

Notice below "the Mark", this is His Holy Tetragrammaton Name which is Great!!!!! & the Right Arm to His Body 10 & 5, His True Health Reform, True obedience to Leviticus 19:19 & Deuteronomy 22:9 principles in physical reality.

From Ellen White first vision
Then Yehoshua would encourage them by raising His Glorious Right Arm, and from His Arm came a glorious light which waved over the Advent band, and they shouted, HalleluYah! Others rashly denied the light behind them, and said that it was not God that had led them out so far. The light behind them went out which left their feet in perfect darkness, and they stumbled and got their eyes off The Mark and lost sight of Yehoshua, and fell off the path down in the dark and wicked world below. It was just as impossible for them to get on the path again & go to the City, as all the wicked world which Elohim had rejected. They fell all the way along the path one after another, until we heard the voice of Elohim like many waters, which gave us the day and hour of Yehoshua' coming. The living saints, 144,000, in number, know and understand the voice, while the wicked thought it was thunder & an earthquake."

I adopted this "diet" of 10 & 5, I learned from Dr. Norman Gonzales, back in 1985, and have more or less followed it, with improvement of the ability to recite things I have read in Scripture and Ellens Whites writings, as a result of following strictly, the pattern of 10 & 5 in my selection of foods and at other times not following it, loosing that same ability, (it takes time and many meals, to increase by following the Seal of Yah, & decrease by eating foods without His Seal), to recite things I have read.
Also for those who like to eat and enjoy the flavor of foods, just imagine, the taste buds sending a higher voltage along the nerve pathways, so the enjoyment of food is much richer and flavorful as you eat, as well as a greater awareness and finer appreciation in the cerebral cortex of this flavorful enjoyment of simple foods, than rich foods, without the Seal of Yah, eaten with all voltages lowered, with minimal taste bud nerve transmission of flavorful delights.

You haven't lived until you experience the enjoyments and delight's of living in complete total obedience to, and principle carried out to the finest detail of "every Word that proceedeth out of The Mouth of YHVH", especially Leviticus 19:19 & Deuteronomy 22:9, counting how many bumps and lines and ribs tomatoes have, and counting the sections in lemons, and points in the core of apples, and verifying this pattern of 10 & 5 & sometimes 2(cherry tomatoes & plum tomatoes), in every thing you eat or drink.

Joel 2:26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise The Name of YHVH your Elohim, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and My people shall never be ashamed. (They praise His Name Yah, for His pattern 10 & 5 in their foods, and exclaim "halleluYAH")

To eat and drink to His Glory is more than we presently comprehend. Eating to the Glory of His Name eating only foods with The Seal of Yah in Nature will raise us up to a higher plateau of electrical voltage potential constantly present on the membranes of all your cells, and have a higher chemical reserve energy present in the CSF, which keeps us from instant depletion from large consumption of endothermic foods.  The esophagus propels swiftly foods from the mouth to the stomach, being ennervated with higher voltage-energy-power.

Probably one of the biggest reasons I like to follow this simple diet, is, I feel the presence and approbation of Y'hoshua and our Heavenly Father's Shalom, following this, and the lack, when not following it.

Back in 1985 when I first tried this diet plan, I felt okay the first day, the second day I noticed a small improvement, the third day I could tell my mind was sharper each day with this diet, the fourth day fifth day ect. each having a little better clearness of intellect, as I realized this diet was for real, it does increase your energy, electrical energy anyway, as months later I found that without protein I couldn't sustain hard physical labor, day after day after day, although twinlab liquid yeast might supply enough protein, if you can afford it, so beans work, but they bean-numb the intellect with their overload of nitrogen, ammonia and phytic acids, so you could eat bean sprouts as a source of protein, as the sprouting consumes these harmful gases. (as I lost my job at a Hospital in Florida, as they told me to go home, as I started to let my facial hair grow, as I felt guilty working there anyway, as I was listening to Dr. Norman Gonzales teach us about natural law, and the Seal of Yah in nature.)

-PT- The Southern Watchman
-DT- 10-30-01
-AT- Regarding the Importance of Cooking
-PR- 07
Let not the work of cooking be looked upon as a sort of slavery. What
would become of those in our world if all who are engaged in cooking should
give up their work with the flimsy excuse that it is not sufficiently
dignified? Cooking may be regarded as less desirable than other lines of
work, but in reality it is a science above all other sciences. Thus Elohim
regards the preparation of healthful food.
He places a high estimate on those
who do faithful service in preparing wholesome, palatable food, and whoever
uses this knowledge, is worthy of higher commendation than those engaged in
any other line of work. This talent should be regarded as equal in value to
ten talents; for its right use has much to do with keeping the human organism
in health. Because so inseparably connected with life and health, it is the
most valuable of all gifts.
Sept. 20, 1901.

Remember Ellen White's first vision, she looked for the advent people in the world, when the angel told her to look again, and to look a little higher, at this she raised her eyes, and saw a "path" liftted up "high" above the world, upon this "path" were the advent people.
This shows us that the 144,000 who receive the "truths" of the latter rain, given by the little praying company bowed before the throne deeply interested, are those who receive the "LIGHT" and do not go back to join those before the throne that The Father, and Y'hoshua left, that after these things satan appeared by that throne, when the SDA church changes leaders and do not know they have done so.

Our standing before Elohim depends, not upon the amount of LIGHT we have received, but upon THE USE WE MAKE of what we have. Thus even the heathen who choose the right as far as they can distinguish it are in a more favorable condition than are those who have had GREAT LIGHT, and profess to serve Elohim, but who DISREGARD the LIGHT, and by their daily life contradict their profession. The Desire of Ages p. 239

And it is only those who are following the LIGHT ALREADY GIVEN that can hope to receive the further illumination of the Spirit. Testimonies for the Church Vol. 5, p. 705

To souls that are EARNESTLY seeking for LIGHT, and that accept with GLADNESS EVERY RAY of Divine Illumination from His Holy Word,--to SUCH ALONE LIGHT will be given. It is through these souls that Elohim will reveal that LIGHT and POWER which will LIGHTEN the whole earth with His glory. Testimonies for the Church Vol. 5, p. 729

LIGHT comes to the soul through Elohim's word, through His servants, or by the direct agency of His Spirit; but when ONE RAY of LIGHT is disregarded, there is a partial benumbing of the spiritual perceptions, and the second revealing of LIGHT is less clearly discerned. So the darkness increases, until it is night in the soul. The Desire of Ages p. 322

We should take one verse, and concentrate the mind on the task of ascertaining the thought which Elohim has put in that verse for us. We should dwell upon the thought until it becomes our own, and we know "what saith Y'hovah." The Desire of Ages p. 390

The ELECTRIC POWER of the brain, promoted by mental activity, VITALIZES the whole system, and is thus an invaluable aid in resisting disease. Education p. 197

 To make plain natural law, and urge the obedience of it, is the work that accompanies the third angel's message to prepare a people for the coming of Yehoshua. Temperence page 238

"...the path of obedience to nature's laws is the direct path to heaven" Councils on Health p. 222

From the Daystar Articles, Ellen White's first vision:
Look again, and look a little higher. At this, I raised my eyes and see a strait and narrow path, cast up high above the world. On this path the Advent people were traveling to the City, which was at the farther end of the path.  ...  Then Yehoshua would encourage them by raising His Glorious Right Arm, and from His Arm came a Glorious Light which waved over the Advent band, and they shouted, HalleluYah!

Matthew 7:14 Because Strait is the Gate, and Narrow is the Way, which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find It.

Jeremiah 18:15
Because My people hath forgotten Me, they have burned incense to vanity(pagan deity Names), and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths(ancient lunar weeks), to walk in paths, in a way not cast up(planetary week not from YHVH).
"cast up" "path" "restorer of paths, "at this I raised my eyes and see a straight and narrow path cast up high above the world"

"His Feet had the appearance of fire, in His Right Hand was a sharp sickle, in His Left a silver trumpet. His Eyes were as a flame of fire, which searched His children through and through." Her First Vision - EGH-W

The Right Hand of the gospel is the True Medical Missionary Work, which involves obedience to the laws of nature, called "the entering wedge", but here is seen, a sharp sickle: To me this shows the acceptance or rejection of His Laws of Nature has to do with our acceptance or rejection.

To reject natural law is to loose one's soul, when sufficient Light has come, and is rejected with callous hatred, or because "not interested" because it restricts an unrestrained appetite.

Ezekiel 46:1 Thus saith Yehovah Elohim; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened.

Psa_104:19 He appointedH6213 the moonH3394 for seasons:*H4150* the sunH8121 knowethH3045 his going down.H3996

Gen 1:14 And ElohimH430 said,H559 Let there beH1961 lightsH3974 in the firmamentH7549 of the heavenH8064 to divideH914 H996 the dayH3117 fromH996 the night;H3915 and let them beH1961 for signs,H226 and for seasons,*H4150* and for days,H3117 and years:H8141


מוֹעָדָה מֹעֵד מוֹעֵד
mô‛êd mô‛êd mô‛âdâh
mo-ade', mo-ade', mo-aw-daw'
From H3259; properly an appointment, that is, a fixed time or season; specifically a festival; conventionally a year; by implication, an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose); technically the congregation; by extension, the place of meeting; also a signal (as appointed beforehand): - appointed (sign, time), (place of, solemn) assembly, congregation, (set, solemn) feast, (appointed, due) season, solemn (-ity), synagogue, (set) time (appointed).
Total KJV occurrences: 223

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  my other witness sites:
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Isaiah 42:16
16 And I will bring the blind(Laodicea) by a way [that] they knew not; I will lead them in paths (moon under her feet-calendar paths)[that] they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

The trials of the children of Israel, and their attitude just before the first coming of The Messiah, have been presented before me again and again to illustrate the position of the people of Elohim in their experience before the second coming of The Messiah. How the enemy sought every occasion to take control of the minds of the Jews, and to-day he is seeking to blind the minds of Elohim's servants, that they may not be able to discern the PRECIOUS TRUTH. Review and Herald-February 18, 1890

Internal corruption will bring the denunciations of Elohim upon this people as it did upon Jerusalem. Selected Messages Vol. 2, page 378, pr.03

There has not been so glaring a departure from Elohim. It was gradual, and they KNOW NOT THE TIME WHEN Elohim LEFT THEM, FOR THEY WERE SO ASSIMILATED TO THE WORLD THAT HEAVEN'S LIGHT WAS WITHDRAWN, and they are left blind, wretched, and naked. Letter 16, 1861 (To the Church in Roosevelt and vicinity.)

From the Daystar Articles
While praying at the family altar the Holy Ghost fell on me and I seemed to be rising higher and higher, far above the dark world. I turned to look for the Advent people in the world, but could not find them, when a voice said to me, Look again, and look a little higher. At this, I raised my eyes and see a strait and narrow path, cast up high above the world. On this path the Advent people were traveling to the City, which was at the farther end of the path. They had a bright light set up behind them at the first end of the path, which an angel told me was the Midnight Cry. This light shone all along the path and gave light for their feet so they might not stumble. And if they kept their eyes fixed on Yehoshua, who was just before them, leading them to the City, they were safe. But soon some grew weary, and said the City was a great way off, and they expected to have entered it before. Then Yehoshua would encourage them by raising His glorious right arm, and from His arm came a glorious light which waved over the Advent band, and they shouted, HalleluYah!

Rev 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

Isa_58:12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

Book of Jubilees

Chapter 6

Thus it is engraven and ordained on the heavenly
31 tablets. And there is no neglecting (this commandment) for a single year or from year to year.
32 And command thou the children of Israel that they observe the years according to this reckoning- three
hundred and sixty-four days, and (these) will constitute a complete year, and they will not disturb its time
from its days and from its feasts; for everything will fall out in them according to
33 their testimony, and they will not leave out any day nor disturb any feasts. But if they do neglect and do
not observe them according to His Commandment, then they will disturb all their seasons and the years will
be dislodged from this (order), [and they will disturb the seasons and the years
34 will be dislodged] and they will neglect their ordinances. And all the children of Israel will forget and will
not find the path of the years, and will forget the new moons, and seasons, and sabbaths
35 and they will go wrong as to all the order of the years. For I know and from henceforth will I declare it
unto thee, and it is not of my own devising; for the book (lies) written before me, and on the heavenly tablets (Webmasters note: 4th command "Remember the New Moon day, to keep It holy.")
the division of days is ordained, lest they forget the feasts of the covenant
36 and walk according to the feasts of the Gentiles
after their error and after their ignorance. For there will be
those who will assuredly make observations of the moon -how (it) disturbs the
37 seasons and comes in from year to year ten days too soon. For this reason the years will come upon them
when they will disturb (the order), and make an abominable (day) the day of testimony, and an unclean day a
feast day, and they will confound all the days, the holy with the unclean, and the unclean day with the holy;
for they will go wrong as to the months and sabbaths and feasts and
38 jubilees.
For this reason I command and testify to thee that thou mayst testify to them; for after thy death
thy children will disturb (them), so that they will not make the year three hundred and sixty-four days only,
and for this reason they will go wrong as to the new moons and seasons and sabbaths and festivals, and they
will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of flesh.

The children of Israel marched 7 continuous days around Jericho, yet they did not march on the weekly Shabat.
Day 1 march is on New Moon Day(Jashur 88:14,17,18), the next six days of marching were on the 6 working days of the first weekly cycle of the New Moon. They rested on the 8th New Moon Day, the 7th day of the first week of the moon. This proves the New Moon Day is not part of the weekly cycle, "From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another" Isa. 66:23 this text also differentiates the New Moon Day apart from the weekly cycle.

Manuscript Releases Volume Eight, page 100
By these words Messiah has placed this matter beyond all the sophistry of human conjecture. "And He [Messiah] gave unto Moses, when He had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of Elohim" (Exodus 31:18). Nothing written on those tables could be blotted out. The precious record of the law was placed in the ark of the testament and is still there, safely hidden from the human family.
But in Elohim's appointed time (at the end of the 2300 day prophecy) He will bring forth these tables of stone to be a testimony to all the world against the disregard of His commandments and against the idolatrous worship of a counterfeit Sabbath.--Ms 122, 1901, pp. 1-4. ("The Law," November 23, 1901.) Released August 10, 1977.

Note: If what is on the tables of stone is the same as what is in our Bibles, what would be the point, especially? But what if the 4th commandment was changed in our Bibles from what is written on the Tables of stone? Then the quote below has significance "but they start back with trembling when they see the fourth commandment" not expecting it to be different.

Spiritual Gifts. Volume 1, The Third Angel's Message Page - 164
It was represented to me that the remnant followed Y'hoshua into the Most Holy place, and beheld the ark, and the mercy-seat, and were captivated with their glory. Y'hoshua raised the cover of the ark, and behold! the tables of stone, with the ten commandments written upon them. They trace down the lively oracles; but they start back with trembling when they see the fourth commandment living among the ten holy precepts, while a brighter light shines upon it than upon the other nine, and a halo of glory is all around it. They find nothing there informing them that the Sabbath has been abolished, or changed to the first day of the week. It reads as when spoken by The Mouth of Elohim in solemn and awful grandeur upon the mount, while the lightnings flashed and the thunders rolled, and when written with His own Holy Finger in the tables of stone. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of Y'hovah thy Elohim. They are amazed as they behold the care taken of the ten commandments. They see them placed close by Y'hovah, overshadowed and protected by His Holiness. They see that they have been trampling upon The Fourth Commandment of the 
decalogue, and have observed a day handed down by the heathen and papists, instead of the day sanctified by Y'hovah. They humble themselves before Elohim, and mourn over their past transgressions.


From The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge Vol. 10, page 136, year 1911

Download links at: Wikipedia

From The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5, p. 410:


A text I bought at a library sale. The image to the right is from this Book. A moon has about 29.5 days. The 4th quarter Shabat is on the 29th day of the New Moon, hence below is the
"Sabbath immediately preceding New Moon", as it is the next day, or the 2nd day after the 4th Shabat.

The True Wall-Calendar
Amo 7:7 Thus he shewed me: and, behold, Adonai stood upon a wall made by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand.

Print current calendar of New Moon and Sabbaths


New moon day is determined by the "straight" line method indicated in this verse of a calendar - "wall" made with a plumbline, used to build a "straight" vertical wall. This indicates conjunction or straight sun-moon-earth line is reached at conjunction. As a piece of metal is drawn to the closest magnet, between two, so conjunction, or "New Moon Day", belongs to the closest daylight (closest as in hours and minutes away from), either sunset of the day before, or of sunrise of the following day. As shemesh, masculine sun is the leader, and khodesh, feminine New Moon Day is the follower.
As Mount Olivet, or Jerusalem, is "the heart of the earth" or the center, where The Holy City will come down, so this is the point from which to measure time for all moedim, from which day conjunction is determined from, where "And it shall come to pass that from one new-moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith Yehovah. Isaiah 66:23", in "Great is Yehovah, and greatly to be Praised in the city of our Elohim, in the mountain of His holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount zion, on the sides of the north, The City of The Great King. Psalm 48:1, 2"
Psalm 68:4 Praise Him by His Name Yah, see NKJV. And eat to the Glory of His Name by selecting foods with the pattern of the numbers of His Name "Yah" spelled Yod and Hey the two Hebrew letters with the numerical values of 10 & 5, which spell "Yah", the pattern of foods that release energy. "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of Yehovah." 1 Corithians 10:31 This is "The Seal of Yah" in nature.
After prayer of exactly why and how specifically food with the pattern of 5 & 10 give energy, and foods without this pattern take energy, as I started to get up from my knees, came this distinct thought.
"The number of sections in a fruit or petals on a flowering bud are an expression from the genes, a parallel reflection of the instruction set controlling and describing the molecular configuration, which determines the resulting electro-polarity, if the reaction will absorb or release electrons."
At this same time period I had been studying this book by Walter A. Bridger called "Cell ATP" which mentions that the electric eel produces it's electric shock from specialized organs that produce ATP. In others words the electric shock come from large pools of ATP, which when utilized release a quantity of electrons producing the electric shock. At that time I had rejected the Holy Name issue, and was under demonic oppression extremely heavy, but was determined to finish my study on what constitutes electric vital life force energy, as described by Ellen White, the Messenger of The Most High, as long as I had motor control of my body.

The demonic oppression ceased as soon as I learned the Truth of His Holy Name, a year or two later, and sat at the piano, and plucked this song out as I remembered reading "When you pray satan trembles, and when you sing praises to His Name, he is forced to flee". I plucked the notes, "Praise His Name, Abba Yah, Hallelu, Hallelu Yah, Praise His Name, Abba Yah, Hallelu Yah. Praise His Name, Abba Yah, Hallelu, Hallelu Yah. Praise His Name, Abba Yah, Hallelu, Hallelu Yah".  (This song is precisely what Psalms 68:4 tells us to do)
And after this plucking on the piano, I noticed that the satanic whisperings I was trying to block had ceased, and silence instead, and I thought "hey I like this" and continued playing and found complete deliverance from this demonic oppression. And when a loud sudden lightning storm came, I ran to the piano and played the above tune, and suddenly the thunder was removed to a distance away.

I now Know the great tremendous salvational issue that is in His quodesh-Holy Name YHVH and YH.
During my duress I decided to stop trying to please both Elohim and man by compromising on His statutes, such as "Lev 19:27 Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou destroy the extremities of thy beard.", as I had been trimming my beard, and to obey His every Word, and promised to seek Him and keep the nazoretic vow, in hopes that I might please Him again someday, and receive His Shalom and peace, and deliverance from the demonic oppression, which stopped, several years later, when I obeyed Psalms 68:4. NKJV.

I would love to attend an SDA church that prays in His Holy Name and shows honor unto The Most High by His Holy Tetragrammaton Name, and Yehoshua His Son, and doesn't use the pagan substitues for His All Powerful Saving Name, which there is not another in the heavens and earth, and that kept His Sabbaths that have this tetragrammaton Seal.    Each Sabbath Institution

And, later, by learning and receiving That All Powerful Name, and praising It, did I receive deliverance from demonic oppression.

It was back about 1983-1985, while attending the Winter Springs SDA Church, that I listened to Dale Hoffman teaching sabbath school class & admonishing the "Health Reform" teachings of Ellen G. White.
Later Dale came down heavily afflicted with cancer and died, I think at home.
It was after this that I got down on my knees and prayed something similar to this - "Dear Heavenly Father, we are supposed to have the true health reform message, why are Thy people dying from disease?"
After praying I thought that He would answer my prayer by revealing to the "American Cancer Society" the cure for cancer. In my ignorance I thought that this organization was above the board, legitimate, truly seeking the cure for cancer.

Cancer is a money making industry just like the petroleum, and all the other death, health destroying industries.
Mafia based they kill all threatening peoples, to keep their large profits at home with them.

I never suspected or thought that our "Heavenly Father" would reveal the secrets of "Vital Electric Life Force Energy" to me as the "cure" for just about all dis-eases, and especially helping to correct the meatbolic low ATP-low c-AMP condition called "cancer". To bolster the immune system to kill cancer cells, that have switched to partial fermentation, from hypoxia.

That Holy Name is stamped upon His embedded lunar calendar, embedded secretely so the "transgression of desolation" work beginning with the septuagint(285b.c.), could not see it and remove it, hidden from the wicked with the agenda to replace His Lunar Calendar with their planetary week in the Scriptures, (Danel 8 is all about this) or to hide His Lunar Weeks. Each Sabbath Institution, both true and false
His people's leaders go along with the world, "Because they regard not the work of YHVH, nor the operation of His Hands" Isaiah 5:12, (this chapter describes some of His peoples apostasy) as He established the moon for our calendar which also times our weeks.
Isa 48:13 Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.
For rejecting the moon as His appointed calendar, He is angry with His people and comes Ezekiel 9 and Amos 8:3.

Matthew 7:14
14 Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Isa 5:12 And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of YHVH, neither consider the operation of His Hands.

Ezekiel 46:3
3 Likewise the people of the land shall worship at the door of this gate before YHVH in the sabbaths and in the new moons.

If a wall were built without a plumbline, it might be leaning over toward one direction and eventually fall down. It is balanced to prevent this by use of a plumbline. So conjunction is "centered" and no other method can work for New Moon day declaration, otherwise all will be off of balance.

The False wall-calendar
Eze 13:10 Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and
one built up a wall(Hillel-president of Sanhedrin-switched from lunar week to planetary week), and, lo, others daubed it with untempered morter

Eze 13:11 Say unto them which daub it with untempered morter, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and ye, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall rend it.
Eze 13:14 So will I break down
the wall that ye have daubed with untempered morter, and bring it down to the ground, so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered, and it shall fall, and ye shall be consumed in the midst thereof: and ye shall know that I am YHVH.

Maranatha p. 131 May 3 clip - There are many who have never understood the claims of the Bible Sabbath and the false foundation upon  which the Sunday institution rests.

Eze 13:15 Thus will I accomplish My wrath upon the wall, and upon them that have daubed it with untempered morter, and will say unto you, The wall is no more, neither they that daubed it;

Eze 22:26 Her priests have violated My Law, and have profaned Mine Holy Things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from My Sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.

Eze 22:28 And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith YHVH Elohim, when YHVH hath not spoken.
(Note: YHVH Elohim has not spoken "the weekly cycle is an unbreakable cycle of 7's from creation week until now" when Ezekiel 46:1, 3 plainly discount's this as well as it would mean a march around Jericho on Shabat if this false theory were true.)

Untempered morter, doesn't hold. Truth is strong, brave and true. A system of lies is non-reality, doesn't function, doesn't hold true under scrutiny, and breaks and crumbles under weight bearing.

Exodus 16 teaches us when the sabbaths are. 8th, 15th 22nd and 29th.

Again the feast of tabernacles tells us the 1st and 8th days are sabbaths. which is the 15th and 22nd.

Leviticus 23:39

"Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto Y'hovah seven days: on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath." 

So 15 + 7 = 22, the 15th which is a 7th day sabbath, plus 1 unbroken weekly cycle of 7 days(16th-22nd) = the 8 days of the Feast of Tabernacles, dwelling in booths weekdays 1-7, constructing the booth on the 1st day of the week.

"ye shall keep a feast unto Y'hovah seven days"

These seven days of the 8 days are the "chag" celebration while living in booths for the last 7 days of the eight days.

Many mistake the first day He commands to take thick boughs, to build a booth, to be the 15th, the 7th day sabbath. But this is not so, it is the first day of the weekly cycle beginning on the 16th day of the moon.

Jer 9:24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am YHVH which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith YHVH.

How the four weeks of a "moon" form a "square".
The Four Square Graphical Calendar, illustrating The "Chief Corner" of the four week-ends per moon-month. With New Moon Days in the "Chief Corner" of the four corner weekendings.

Conjuction or Crescent?

That there was to be SPECIAL LIGHT for Elohim's people as they neared the closing scenes of this earth's history. ANOTHER ANGEL was to come from Heaven with a MESSAGE, and THE WHOLE EARTH WAS TO BE LIGHTENED WITH HIS GLORY. It would be impossible for us to state just how this ADDITIONAL LIGHT would come. It might come in a VERY UNEXPECTED MANNER, in a way that WOULD NOT AGREE WITH the ideas that many have conceived. It is not at all unlikely, or contrary to the ways and works of Elohim, to send LIGHT to His people in UNEXPECTED WAYS.
Man. Rel. Vol. 13, page 334, pr. 02

After the Latter Rain falls, the church votes and renounces utterly His Name and the calendar endorsed with His Name, the Lunar Calendar, then Yehoshua rises from the throne, ... Then satan appears by the throne trying to carry on the work of "God".
By His Spirit Ellen White tells us of this change of leaders, just as the Jews rejected our Saviour, and accepted Barabbas, so His professed people will reject The Truth of His His Qodesh Name Yod-He-Vav-He pronounced likely as "Yehovah", and His Lunar calendation of days and weeks, and accept Rome's calendation of time, that is, "The planetary week", and thus accept Barabbas-Satan as their leader, remember "Satyr" is ancient chaldee for "Satan", or "Satyr-day" means "Satans-day". The planetary week is imaginary, not connected to anything in nature, it exists only by numbers, and sometimes the "New Moon Day" falls upon every day of the planetary week. Thus to reject His Calendar endorsed with His Name, and accept the sabbath with Satan's name endorsing it is to change leaders. S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7-CN- REV14-CT- Revelation-PR- 07-PG- 977
(Ch. 7:2, 3). The Question Before Us Now. --The Sabbath question is to be the issue in the great final conflict, in which all the world will act a part. Men have honored Satan's principles above the principles that rule in the heavens.(see Gen. 1:14) They have accepted the spurious sabbath, which Satan has exalted as the sign of his authority. But YHVH Elohim has set His Seal upon His Royal Requirement. Each Sabbath institution, both true and false, bears the name of its author, an ineffaceable mark that shows the authority of each.
see the illustration http://seventh-day-adventist.org/images/leviticus-1_1.jpg

To see these things in Exodus Chapter 16, it is helpful if you can add some numbers, like 15 + 7 = ? ; and vice versa 22 - 7 = ?, and also 15 - 7 = ? ; and 15 + 7 + 7 = ?. (Sabbaths in a moon are spaced with 6 days between each other, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter Sabbaths, while the 7th day Sabbaths between old and new moons, i.e. from the 4th quarter Sabbath until the 1st quarter Sabbath, have 7 or 8 days in between for a 29 or 30 day moon.) If you can't add and subtract, then maybe a refresher course in basic math could help. Thus with the 15th given as a date, and manna fell the next 6 days, then no manna on the 7th, that makes it the 22nd day of the moon, the third quarter Sabbath. Thus calculation gives all the dates, the 1st, New Moon Day, the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th as the 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, and 4th quarter Sabbaths. Remember Tabernacles commands gives the 15th and 22nd as Sabbaths also, as well as the feast of Unleavened Bread.

This is the calendar the Scriptures present, based on the 1st line of the 4th commandment: "Mark even day, the New Moon, to consecrate It".

1 New Moon
The Holy of YHVH
1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day
                          Yod 2 3 4 5 6 7   8   1st  quarter sabbath
                          He 9 10 11 12 13 14 15  2nd quarter sabbath
                          Vav 16 17 18 19 20 21 22   3rd  quarter sabbath
                          He 23 24 25 26 27 28 29  4th   quarter sabbath

See The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge image above saying this is how Israel used to do, with Sabbaths and New Moons.

If you are able to do these simple mathematical calculations, then you can see clearly, the weekly Sabbaths of the Second moon spoken of in Exodus Chapter 16 are the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the 2nd moon. The word "month" is a derivative from "moon", but really "New Moon".  As you study you see that often YHVH chooses to speak to His leaders, usually on these specified days of "Worship", rather than abruptly, or unexpectedly, like the six work days. John the Revelator was in "The Spirit" on the Sabbath Day, when He received a revelation. These times are most often the 1st day of the month, New Moon, or weekly Sabbaths, the 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th the Regular appointed Days of worship every month. (See video which explains the "Daily" of Daniel chapter 8, Hosts of Heaven). Since the moon is the "appointer" of the days, It must be related to the "daily" which was taken away in Daniel chapter 8.

Another thought: Could the apostasies of the Israelite kings, who went and worshipped, "all the hosts of heaven" be related to the "planetary week" which is named after "the hosts of heaven" and their gods?

Sunday, Moonday, Tuesday-Mars, Wednesday-Mercury, Thursday-Jupiter, Friday-Venus, and Saturday-Saturn?

World Book tells us it, Saturday, is named after the Roman god "Saturn" and is the only day named for a Roman god. It's name Satyr is known by the Chaldees as "Satan" and also in Amos 5:26 "Chiun"

Amos 5:26
26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

In the night, with the naked eye, excepting the moon, all the planets look like a "Star".

But YHVH Elohim has set His seal upon His royal requirement. Each Sabbath institution, both true and false, bears the name of its author, an ineffaceable mark that shows the authority of each. S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7-CN- REV14-CT- Revelation-PR- 07-PG- 977

See: The Modern Seven Day Week: Exploring the History of a Lie

Hosts of Heaven video

What is wrong with the "refuge of lies" that the weekly cycle is an "unbreakable cycle of 7's from creation week until now"?

It is not connected to anything in nature, or fixed, like the day is connected to the sun, as also the night, of Genesis 1:14
This "unbreakable cycle of 7's theory" contradicts the fixtures He placed in the sky regulating our "calendar".  Plucking the weekly cycle out of His Time-Base, denies His Creatorship of Revelation 14: This is the third angels message being joined by the fourth in verity.

Isa 65:11 But yeH859 are they that forsakeH5800 YHVH,H3068 that forgetH7913 (H853) my holyH6944 mountain,H2022 (forget My Holy Mounting-'The New Moon is consecrated' of the quosesh New Moon Day) that prepareH6186 a tableH7979 for that troop,H1409 and that furnishH4390 the drink offeringH4469 unto that number.H4507

Prepare a table for that troop, furnish drink offering unto that number (7), fortune, a gluttonous potluck on Saturn's day, 7th of planetary week). The planetary week is the troop, and the unbreakable cycle of 7's is "that number", number 7, since it is claimed to be unbreakable, in scripture?, no this is not so, remember David and Jonathan, David showed up neither yesterday or today, as it was a two day new moon and sabbath, a three day event, 4th quarter sabbath with two New Moon days.

Troop is "Gawd" table prepared unto:
"God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food, by His Hands we all are fed, thank Him for our daily bread"
instead say, after carefully selecting only foods with the pattern of 10 & 5 after the pattern of the numbers of the two letters of His Name "Yah":
"Yah is Great, Yah is Good, let us thank Him for our food, by His Hands we all are fed, thank Him for our daily bread" Halle lu Yah

Isa 28:8 For all tables(meal) are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.
Lev 19:19 Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.
Deu 22:9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled. (for all tables are full of adulterated foods breaking the 7th commandment, which brings "defilement" and "uncleaness".)
2Ki 4:39 And one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered thereof wild gourds (adultery-Lev 19:19, Deut 22:9) his lap full, and came and shred them into the pot of pottage: for they knew them not (these students were not schooled in "the Seal of Yah in Nature". (wild gourds are not as poisonous as arsenic, but less poisonous, or "endothermic" producing decrease of mental activity, and not instant death) I have read that poisons are positive ions absorbing huge quantities of electrons.
2Ki 4:40 So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of Elohim, there is death in the pot (endothermic-produced "brain fog" life=foods that release electrons, death=foods that absorb electrons-in the chemical reaction). And they could not eat thereof.

Test and see if Yehovah is not good, by eating only the numbers unto the glory of His Name Yah, yod=10 & hay=5, see if you do not feel His Presence closer to you than when after you sin and break His Law and eat endothermic foods that absorb electrons from the environment of your body's chemistry, giving a sensation of coolness, or cold as the "fire" in you decreases, and intellectual activity decreases, and mental fog comes with the inability to access memory and recite from the "volumes" of information stored there.

-TI- The Desire of Ages
-CN- 33
-CT- Who Are My Brethren?
-PR- 02
-PG- 322
It is not Elohim that blinds the eyes of men or hardens their hearts.
He sends them Light to correct their errors, and to lead them in safe
paths; it is by the rejection of this Light that the eyes are blinded and
the heart hardened. Often the process is gradual, and almost imperceptible.
Light comes to the soul through Elohim's Word, through His
servants, or by the direct agency of His Spirit; but when one ray of
Light is disregarded, there is a partial benumbing of the spiritual
perceptions, and the second revealing of Light is less clearly discerned. So
the darkness increases, until it is night in the soul. Thus it had been with


these Jewish leaders. They were convinced that a divine power attended
The Messiah, but in order to resist the Truth, they attributed the work of the
Holy Spirit to Satan. In doing this they deliberately chose deception;
they yielded themselves to Satan, and henceforth they were controlled
by his power.

Names, according to Scripture are important. Use His Name He told the Hebrew multitude saying:

I am Yehovah thy Elohim which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage
Thus placing His Seal, "Yod Hay Vav Hay" on His Ten Commands, "Yehovah"

When you "see" the Divine Calendar, then you can "understand" the apparent conflicts in the feast of unleavened bread.


The 7th day Sabbaths in the Feast of Passover & Unleavened Bread & Feast of Weeks.

Scripture uses numbers interchangeably for both the feast day number and also for the day number of the weekly cycle, for example, the first day take branches and build a booth means the first day of the weekly cycle, not the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles which is the 7th day Sabbath.

Exodus 34:18
18 ¶ The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, in the time of the month Abib: for in the month Abib thou camest out from Egypt.

Exo 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
Exo 20:10 And day the seventh is shabat, unto Yehovah thy Elohim: in it thou shalt not do any work,

Deuteronomy 16:8 (this clarifies the lunar week contained in the feast of unleavened bread)
8 Six days (the six work days of the weekly cycle are the last 6 days of eating unleavened bread ending on the 21st at even) thou shalt eat unleavened bread: and on the seventh day(of the weekly cycle which the feasts are synchronized with) [shall be] a solemn assembly to YHVH thy Elohim: thou shalt do no work [therein].

Exodus 12:18
18 In the first [month], on the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even.

14 (6th night) of the week 15 (7th day) of the week 16 (1st day) of the week 17 (2nd day) of the week 18 (3rd day) of the week 19 (4th day) of the week 20 (5th day) of the week 21 (6th day) of the week 22 (7th day) of the week
not a day but night, Unleaven
half a day unit
Unleaven Unleaven Unleaven Unleaven Unleaven Unleaven Unleaven
till dark
Feast day-sabbath of rest
Passover supper
0.5 (of the feast)
Yehoshua gave His Life, dead stood up in graves testifying of Yehoshua
1st day (of the feast)
Yehoshua rested in tomb,  risen dead still testifying from graves
2nd (of the feast)
priest offered wave sheaf,
Yehoshua took up His Life again, folded His cloth and left the tomb, risen dead leave graves and testify in town. see Hosea 6:2
3rd (of the feast) 4th (of the feast) 5th (of the feast) 6th (of the feast) 7th day of unleaven bread
complete at even 0.5 day
8th Feast with leavened bread - Mimouna (1st Sabbath count of the Feast of Weeks)
Hos 6:1 Come, and let us return unto Yehovah: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. Hos 6:2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Deuteronomy 16:8
Hos 6:2 in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
Rev 14:4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto Yehovah and to the Lamb. Rev 14:5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of Yehovah.

Deuteronomy 16:8 Deuteronomy 16:8 Deuteronomy 16:8 Deuteronomy 16:8 Deuteronomy 16:8 Deuteronomy 16:8

Hos 6:2 After two days will He revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight.
Dan 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Isa 26:19 Thy dead men shall live, together with My dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.

Deuteronomy 16:8
8 Six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread: and on the seventh day [shall be] a solemn assembly to YHVH thy Elohim: thou shalt do no work [therein].

In Exodus 12:16 and other texts, mentioning the first day of the feast and the 7th day, it means the 7th day of the week and not the 7th day of the feast.

Exodus 12:16
And in the first day (15th a 7th day sabbath) there shall be an holy convocation, and in the seventh day (Deuteromony 16:8 & Exodus 12:18 defines this seventh day as the 22nd, the 7th day sabbath, the chag-feast with leavened bread) there shall be an holy convocation to you: no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you.

Exo 13:6
Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread(14th even till 21st even), and in the seventh day(7th day sabbath, the 22nd day of the moon) shall be a feast (2282-chag) to Yehovah.

Exodus 12:16
And in the first day
(of the feast of unleavened bread-the 15th is the first daylight of this feast, which began at even of the 14th day-yom-the darkness portion-which is still called the 14th until break of daylight) there shall be an holy convocation (this is the 7th day sabbath the 15th as Exodus 16 shows clearly, by counting backwards from the first Shabat upon which no manna fell) to you: no manner of work shall be done in them, ("them" plural means the 15th, a 7th day sabbath, and the 7th day of the following week, the 22nd, the "mimouna" feast with leavened bread, a part of the total span of 8 daylights [14th at even-night,  through the 22nd until evening--portions of 9 units of time, called "yom", but only 8 daylights, the daylight portion is also called a "yom"], as explained by Deuteronomy 16:8) save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you.

Deuteronomy 16:8
Six days (the six working days of the weekly cycle) thou shalt eat unleavened bread: and on the seventh day (Shabat) shall be a solemn assembly to Y'hovah thy Elohim: thou shalt do no work therein. (uleavened bread is eaten for 7 daylight portions, and for 7 nightime portions of 8 consecutive time units-days, see chart above, and the 7th day, spoken of in this verse is the 7th day sabbath, the 22nd, in which you can feast upon leavened bread prohibited from the 14th at even until the 21st at even. see Exodus 12:18


Feast of Weeks

From the english words above the Hebrew words in the Interlinear Bible by Jay P. Green with changing "Jehovah" to "Yehovah", and some capitalization.

Leviticus 23:9-11
9    And spoke Yehovah to Moses, saying,
10    Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them, When you come in to the land which I am giving to you, and have reaped its harvest, and have brought in the sheaf of the beginning of your harvest to the priest,
11    then he shall wave the sheaf before Yehovah for your acceptance; on the morrow of the Sabbath shall wave it the priest:

I see this as being the 14th, they brought the sheaf to the priest, and he offered it on the 15th, the 1st day of unleavened bread, the 2nd quarter 7th day Sabbath, the 1st daylight of unleavened bread which began the previous night of the 14th, the previous day, when they ate the passover supper. This day He rested in the tomb, a ram, or male lamb of a year, was offered. If the sheaf was offered on the 16th, would that be correct being the day He came back to life? to offer a male lamb, or ram?

Leviticus 23:15-17
15   And you shall number to you from the day after the Sabbath, from the day you bring in the sheaf of the wave offering seven Sabbaths perfect they shall be.
16   To the day after the Sabbath seventh, you shall number fifty days. And you shall bring a food offering new unto Yehovah.
17   Out of your dwellings you shall bring in bread for a wave offering, two (loaves), of two tenths (ephah) of flour they shall be: with yeast they shall be baked: first fruits to Yehovah.

KJV with Holy Name Edits

Exo 34:22 And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year's end.
Exo 34:23 Thrice in the year shall all your men children appear before Yehovah Elohim, the Elohim of Israel.

On Exodus 34:22, This means the "firstfruits of wheat harvest" would occur during the feast of unleavened bread. If not then the count would add up to 4 instead of 3 times a year, "that all your men children appear before Yehovah Elohim, the Elohim of Israel." The feast of ingathering at the year's end would be after the count of 7 Sabbaths perfect, and counting an additional 50 days, as the Hebrew text says.

Deu 16:16 Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before Yehovah thy Elohim in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before Yehovah empty:

Our Saviour gave His Life, a ransom for many, the Passover and feast of unleavened bread, are about Him. He is unleavened with sin. The wave sheaf could be the firstfruits of Yehoshua and those who rose with Him. The feast of weeks count begins with the 22nd day of the month of unleavened bread, after the 21st after which "leavened" is allowed, the count ends with the feast of weeks celebration of "leavened" loaves, two, being waved. The count begins and ends with "leaven", beginning on the 22nd "Mimouna" and ending on the 50th day, after the 7 sabbaths complete beginning with the 22nd "Mimouna" feast when "leaven" was allowed after the evening of the 21st.

Mat 27:50 Yehoshua, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
Mat 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
Mat 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
Mat 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.


Brethren, we must not put our dependence in man. "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? You must hang your helpless souls upon Y'hoshua. It does not become us to DRINK FROM THE FOUNTAIN OF THE VALLEY WHEN THERE IS A FOUNTAIN IN THE MOUNTAIN. Let us leave the LOWER STREAMS; let us come to the HIGHER SPRINGS. If there is a POINT of TRUTH that you do not understand, upon which you do not agree, INVESTIGATE, COMPARE SCRIPTURE WITH SCRIPTURE, SINK THE SHAFT OF TRUTH DOWN DEEP INTO THE MINE OF Elohim'S WORD. YOU MUST LAY YOURSELVES AND YOUR OPINIONS ON THE ALTAR OF Elohim, PUT AWAY YOUR PRECONCEIVED IDEAS, AND LET THE SPIRIT OF HEAVEN GUIDE INTO ALL TRUTH.
Review and Herald, Feb. 18, 1890
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers p. 475, 476

Read the above statment, and then consider Adventist interpretation versus what Scriptures teach about the end of the 2300 ? prophecy. Scripture tells us it is about primarily "the daily" that at the end is to be cleansed, not the sanctuary in heaven. As the topic is the controversy over the Sabbath, that is to be cleansed or "repaired". As that last word "then shall the quodesh-holy day, be cleansed." - as "sanctuary" is a wrong interpretation of this Scripture from the Hebrew interpretation of Hebrew Scripture, from the Hebrew masoretic text.
It is about the 4th commandment being "repaired", the first line - "Remember the New Moon Day to keep it quodesh-holy" as it is the Most Holy Day of the Sabbaths, which indeed times the biblical weeks. Which reparation is made by the four holy angels which bring out the two tablets of stone, written on by The Finger of Yehovah, Elohim of Hosts. Including the "hosts of heaven", our clock up above us, which man cannot altar.

The 2300 day prophecy

Dan 8:10 And it waxed great,H1431 even toH5704 the hostH6635 of heaven;H8064 and it cast downH5307 some ofH4480 the hostH6635 (cast the moon down) and ofH4480 the starsH3556 to the ground,H776 and stamped uponH7429 them.
Dan 8:11 Yea, he magnifiedH1431 himself even toH5704 the princeH8269 of the host,H6635 and byH4480 him(the sun is the prince in our visible sky, representing the solar calendar cast out the lunar calendar) the dailyH8548 (the lunar calendar weeks) was taken away,H7311 and the placeH4349(fixture-the moon appointing when to come and worship-from root 3559-erect perpendicular - possibly the plummet determining conjunction New Moon Day declaration - as a fixture in His sanctuary hung from a great height) of his sanctuaryH4720 was cast down.H7993
Dan 8:12 And an hostH6635-(figuratively worship appointed times of the planetary week) was givenH5414 him againstH5921 the dailyH8548
-(lunar weeks, moon as the appointer of days was cast down by the planetary week) by reason of transgression,H6588(translate corruption-lies into Scriptures, reason of transgression means Deut. 4 & 12 "Ye shall not add to My Words, neither shalt thou diminish aught from My Words") and it cast downH7993 the truthH571(truth of the 4th command beginning with "Remember the New Moon Day to keep it Holy") to the ground;H776(removed the New Moon calendar weeks and calendar commands) and it practised,H6213 and prospered.H6743
Dan 8:13 Then I heardH8085 oneH259 saintH6918 speaking,H1696 and anotherH259 saintH6918 saidH559 unto that certainH6422 saint which spake,H1696 How longH5704 H4970 shall be the visionH2377 concerning the dailyH8548 (moon appointed weeks, begins next day after The Holy Kodesh New Moon Day), and the transgressionH6588 of desolation,H8074
(the transgression of desolation was changing New Moon to Sabbath in Exodus 20:8, Deut. 5:12-first line of the 4th command, and removed this first line of the 4th commandment entirely from Leviticus 23:3-Remember the New Moon Day to keep it Holy) to giveH5414 both the Holy Day H6944-(kodesh-Holy New Moon Day) and the host H6635(The Four Lunar Weeks) to be trodden under foot?H4823
Dan 8:14 And he saidH559 untoH413 me, UntoH5704 two thousandH505 and threeH7969 hundredH3967 days;H6153 H1242 then shall the Holy New Moon Day H6944-(four Holy Angels bring out the tablets of stone with the 4th commandment-qodesh-Holy Day) be cleansed
.H6663(corrected & cleansed from the planetary week by the two tables of Stone revealed to mankind)(times to come and worship be made right)
"The Daily" or "weekdays" corrected

The 2300 day prophecy begins with the "Daily" and the "Transgression of desolation" Dan 8:13, which means the removal of the New Moon Day, and her four lunar weeks, from the Scriptures "because they have transgressed the Law, changed the Ordinance, broken the everlasting Covenant" Isaiah 24:5.  This is the work of altaring the scriptures to sustain the planetary week, making the lunar calendar weeks "hidden", and deleting Kodesh or moon from the first line in the 4th Commandment, replaced with "Sabbath" in billions of Bibles. This is the Primary, "Transgression of desolation" of the Holy Quodesh New Moon day. We are now living in the time of becoming "The Repairers of the breech" and restoring the lunar calendar "paths" of time to dwell or live in, and by.

Probably this prophecy began with the work of the Septuagint in 285 b.c. or b.c.e.
And does ends when the four holy angels bring forth the tablets of stone, with the true 4th commandment beginning with "Remember the new moon day to keep it holy" which follow Genesis 1:14-16 and Revelation's Three Angels Message, (Worship Him as Creator, He appointed the moon for seasons, Psalms 104:19) so in a sense those four holy angels guarding the ark of the covenant and the tablets of stone are "That other angel" or fourth angel joining the three, empowering the last message into the loud cry, as the angel told Ron Wyatt that these tables of stone will be brought forth when the sunday law is enforced.

Joel 2:23 Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in YHVH your Elohim: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.
Joe 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
Joe 2:29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit.
Joe 2:30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
Joe 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of YHVH come.
Joe 2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on The Name of YHVH shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as YHVH hath said, and in the remnant whom YHVH shall call.

This Divine Revelation (four Holy Angels bring forth the ten commandments) restores the Holy New Moon Day, with her four lunar weeks, thus restoring "The Daily" of the book of Daniel, ending the 2300 day prophecy, beginning the "time of the end", the 1290 and 1335 days of Daniel chapter 12, that Charles Wheeling brought out.

Dan 8:19 And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end.

Dan 11:27 And both these kings' hearts to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end at the time appointed..

"Work on the Septuagint version began in Alexandria around 285 B.C."

285 b.c.e. + 2015, this year =2300 years approx.  Oops add one year as there is no zero year between A.D. 1, and B.C. 1 so the year should be 2016,  2300 years from 285 b.c.e.
2300-2015 =285 b.c. approx. year - the
Dionysian calendar began on the summer solstice, June 26, 285 b.c.e.
2016 would be approx. the year the tables of stone restore the daily -"Remember the New Moon Day to keep it Holy" Ex. 20:8, when the sunday law is enforced.
So maybe 2016 could be the end of the 2300 day prophecy. The angel told Daniel that none of the wicked would understand, but the wise would understand, "The fear of YHVH is the beginning of wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding".

So 2016 probably is "To proclaim Yehovah's year of release(Jubilee year), and the day of vengence of our Elohim; to comfort all that mourn" Isaiah 61:2 He pours out His vengence when the Sunday law is passed, as His Authority is challenged, by man.

In the Great Controversy, it makes the assumption that the 70 week prophecy and the 2300 day prophecy share the same beginning, but this cannot be, for the decree to restore and rebuild jerusalem is an event much different from the event of "transgression of desolation" which results in the "daily"(New Moon) and "hosts"(four lunar weeks) trodden under foot, basically removed from Scripture, and forgotten in favor of the planetary week. Besides didn't Uriah Smith and Ellens son do the great work of expanding this book, and have Ellen White sign her approval to it? Elohim allows us to make wrongful conclusions, but the visions have precedence over man's reasonings and calculations, such as William Miller's, as the sin of disbelief in Gabriel's Testimony is the punishment of being made "dumb" for a period of time.

Elohim tells us, "let us reason together" as He wants us to use our reasoning powers, and to increase these powers with obedience to His laws of nature. The pattern of 10 and 5 are the numerical value of His Name Yod and Hey or Yah in Psalms 68:4, the numbers of His Name "Yah", 10 & 5 are a guide to foods releasing electrons in the chemical reaction in your intestines.
"the number of sections in a fruit or petals on a flowering bud, are an expression from the genes, a parallel reflection of the instruction set controlling and describing the molecular configuration, which determines the resulting electro-polarity, if the reaction will absorb or release electrons."
Which may be defined as the terms clean and unclean as unclean is defiled which is forbidden in Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:9.
Isa 28:8 For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.
And possibly in the school of the prophets.
2Ki 4:38 And Elisha came again to Gilgal: and there was a dearth in the land; and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him: and he said unto his servant, Set on the great pot, and seethe pottage for the sons of the prophets.
2Ki 4:39 And one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered thereof wild gourds his lap full, and came and shred them into the pot of pottage: for they knew them not.
2Ki 4:40 So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of Elohim, there is death in the pot. And they could not eat thereof.
2Ki 4:41 But he said, Then bring meal. And he cast it into the pot; and he said, Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was no harm in the pot.
I am guessing that the "harm in the pot" maybe was the endothermicity of the "wild" gourds, counteracted by the "meal" cast in, such as cassava root is about the highest exothermic food, and dried would greatly help counteract the endothermicity, or the great absorption of electrons from your body decreasing mental activity.

This is why we must carefully examine the food we eat to find "The Seal of Yah in Nature", the pattern of 10 for the letter yod, the first letter of "Yah" or the pattern of the number 5 for the letter hay, the second letter of "Yah", which in Hebrew has only these two letters.

The energy in our homes is electricity or "electrons". The energy in our cells are temporarily stored in the ATP molecule, which when released from, are free "electrons", to power cellular activity, such as the sodium potassium active transport pumps in our cell membranes, where cAMP is made from ATP, which keeps the cell from cancer.

The Sanctuary times of worship, are cleansed from the pagan planetary week.

The transgression of desolation is Deut. 4 and 12 the command to not add or detract from His Words which are commandments. Thus by transgressing this Command, they removed the New Moon Commands thus desolating His Calendar weeks and days.

It is obvious that the transgression of desolation, adding to His Words, and taking away from His Words, the specific commands for keeping the New Moon Day, was the agenda of the translations of Scripture to validate the Roman calendar.

We are living in the time of the end when the Sabbaths are being restored, at the end of the 2300 day prophecy, when the bridal procession party declares, "behold, the Bridegroom cometh, go ye forth to meet Him" and
Isa 61:2 To proclaimH7121 the acceptableH7522 yearH8141 of YHVH,H3068 and the dayH3117 of vengeanceH5359 of our Elohim;H430 to comfortH5162 allH3605 that mourn;H57
Isa 61:3 To appointH7760 unto them that mournH57 in Zion,H6726 to giveH5414 unto them beautyH6287 forH8478 ashes,H665 the oilH8081 of joyH8342 forH8478 mourning,H60 the garmentH4594 of praiseH8416 forH8478 the spiritH7307 of heaviness;H3544 that they might be calledH7121 treesH352 of righteousness,H6664 the plantingH4302 of YHVH,H3068 that He might be glorified.H6286
Isa 61:4 And they shall buildH1129 the oldH5769 wastes,H2723 they shall raise upH6965 the formerH7223 desolations,H8074 and they shall repairH2318 the wasteH2721 cities,H5892 the desolationsH8074 of many revolutions of time(daily).H1755 H1755

 The time of trouble begins, when a law is passed, forbidding the keeping of the lunar weekly cycles, as "it is disruptive to the order of society" enforcing the "sunday law" which automatically enforces the "planetary week".
"And all the world wondered after the beast-Rev. 13:3," keeping her planetary week and calendar, forsaking the daily lunar calendar.

From Wikiipedia:
Year 285 BC was a year of the pre-Julian Roman calendar. At the time it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Canina and Lepidus (or, less frequently, year 469 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 285 BC for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.
From Wikipedia:
The Roman calendar changed its form several times between the founding of Rome and the fall of the Roman Empire. This article generally discusses the early Roman or pre-Julian calendars. . . .
The original Roman calendar is believed to have been a lunar calendar, which may have been based on one of the Greek lunar calendars.[1] As the time between new moons averages 29.5 days, its months were constructed to be either hollow (29 days) or full (30 days).


Rev_14:7 SayingG3004 withG1722 a loudG3173 voice,G5456 FearG5399 Elohim,G2316 andG2532 giveG1325 gloryG1391 to Him;G846 forG3754 theG3588 hourG5610 of HisG848 judgmentG2920 is come:G2064 andG2532 worshipG4352 Him that madeG4160 heaven,G3772 andG2532 earth,G1093 andG2532 theG3588 sea,G2281 andG2532 the fountainsG4077 of waters.G5204

Gen 1:14 And ElohimH430 said,H559 Let there beH1961 lightsH3974 in the firmamentH7549 of the heavenH8064 to divideH914 H996 the dayH3117 fromH996 the night;H3915 and let them beH1961 for signs,H226 and for seasons,H4150(moeds) and for days,H3117 and years:H8141

Gen 1:15 And let them beH1961 for lightsH3974 in the firmamentH7549 of the heavenH8064 to give lightH215 uponH5921 the earth:H776 and it wasH1961 so.H3651

Gen 1:16 And ElohimH430 madeH6213 (H853) twoH8147 greatH1419 lights;H3974 (H853) the greaterH1419 lightH3974 to ruleH4475 the day,H3117 and the lesserH6996 lightH3974 to ruleH4475 the night:H3915 he made the starsH3556 also.

Gen 1:17 And ElohimH430 setH5414 them in the firmamentH7549 of the heavenH8064 to give lightH215 uponH5921 the earth,H776

Gen 1:18 And to ruleH4910 over the dayH3117 and over the night,H3915 and to divideH914 H996 the lightH216 fromH996 the darkness:H2822 and ElohimH430 sawH7200 thatH3588 it was good.H2896

These "fixtures" in the sky are both our "clocks" and "calendar" for "all" times, and to "book an appointment" by.

The "daily" cast down in Daniel 8 is the "moon" when Rome extinguished the lunar calendar from the earth, as it used to regulate the weeks also, and is why Rome prohibited the Sanhedrin president from declaring to the Nation of Israel, the "New Moon Day", and conceeded to the Roman calendar by fixing the Jewish sabbath on "Saturday".

The proclamation of The New Moon Day was very important back in those days, as this "fixed" the calendar weeks and Sabbaths for the Jewish Nation.

Daniel 11:31
31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily [sacrifice], and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

Retranslated - 31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute His Holy Name (3rd commandment), and shall take away the lunar weekly cycle (4th commandment), and they shall replace it with the abomination (planetary week with the days named after the gods with their planets), that maketh (Natural Law of the Lunar weekly cycle), desolate.

Proverbs 18:10
10 ¶ The name of Yehovah [is] a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
retranslate "A Tower of Prevailing Majestic Strength, The Name YHVH is, into It runneth the tzadik and is elevated."

Psalms 91:1
1 ¶ He that dwelleth in the secret place of El Elyon's Shade, El Shaddai, shall pass the night (of Jacob's trouble).

(The Holy Spirit teaches His Name, Abba Yah, to those that Fear Him)

Judges 13:18
18 And The Angel of Yehovah said unto him, Why askest thou thus after My Name, seeing It [is] Wonderful?

The picture above is the Name that bears His Sabbaths as in Ellen White's edited Holy Name quote below.
S.D.A. Bible Commentary
Vol. 7-CN- REV14-CT- Revelation-PR- 07-PG- 977
(Ch. 7:2, 3). The Question Before Us Now. --The Sabbath question is to be the issue in the great final conflict, in which all the world will act a part. Men have honored Satan's principles above the principles that rule in the heavens.(see Gen. 1:14) They have accepted the spurious sabbath, which Satan has exalted as the sign of his authority. But YHVH Elohim has set His seal upon His royal requirement. Each Sabbath institution, both true and false, bears the name of its author, an ineffaceable mark that shows the authority of each.

This is the "sabbath more fully" message, Ellen White speaks of, it is the main thrust of the Latter Rain to worship according to the beast's calendar, or to worship according to YHVH's 4th commandment-repaired-issueing Calendar, and to worship Him as Creator, Who has Divine Authority to forever to establish or "fix" His Calendar.

This video from WLC explains further evidence: 
A Good Starter Video


Grace Amadon was on a committee to investigate the 2300 day prophecy, & in their reasearch discovered our Saviour was crucified on a Wednesday, and not a Friday, confirming Saturday is not the sabbath, but a lunar based weekly sabbath.

Crucified on a Tuesday, April 24 A.D. 31, the 14th day of the First Month(New Moon Day is the 1st day of the month)- Passover of the Jews that evening. Or as they probably observed by the crescent moon, it could have been as late as a Wednesday the 25th of April, as Ellen White says that as they went to the Garden of Gethsemene, the moon was Full and Bright.

Crucified on a Tuesday or Wednesday, April 24 or 25,  A.D. 31

Festivals Calendar-Sabbaths

This is the doctrine our Saviour taught His Disciples, His Testimony
"I have declared Thy Name unto the men which Thou gavest Me out of the world: ..."   John 17:6

Malachi Chapter 2:1,2
And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you. If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto My Name, saith Y'hovah of Hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings; yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.
piano01.mp3 - Praise His Name Abba Yah, hallelu Yah     Psalm 116:13 I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon The Name of Y'hovah.
By Praising His Quodesh Name, the soul is set free.

Jeremiah 16:21
21 Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know Mine Hand and My Might; and they shall know that My Name [is] Y'hovah.

The Sabbaths in the feasts, are the 7th day weekly sabbaths, as explained and shown below

Will the True Sabbath Please stand up! Who calls the weekly cycle? YHVH or Rome?
Excellent Glory


The Fourth Commandment is an issuance of Calendation, by which the 6 work days and 7th rest days are found, as well as all the feast days.

Isaiah 58:12 And they that  shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called; The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. (moon circuit orbital path-for appointed times)

The repairer of the breach (in the fourth commandment)
Remember the New Moon day to keep it holy, six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, and the seventh day is a Shabbat unto Y'hovah thy Elohim ... Exodus 20:8- "Mark even day the New Moon to consecrate it" is a more literal accurate translation, than "Remember the New Moon day to keep it holy"

When He gave the Law on Mt. Sinai, the people were already familiar with the pattern of weeks, by the giving of the manna, in the second month after leaving Egypt. see Exodus 16 to calculate lunar week days with fixed moon dates, the same each moon, which is why the weeks are named "First Quarter" "Second Quarter" "Third Quarter" and "Fourth Quarter".

Revelation 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and  the moon under her feet (path restored keeps appointed times by the lunar calendar), and upon her head a crown with twelve stars. (12 moons in a year, 12 sons of Jacob, 12 tribes of Israel)

The moon under her feet represents the woman or body of believers that walks to "church" on the lunar calendar appointed times.

Song of Solomon 6:10
Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon-(3842-lbanah=moon as white), clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?

company bearing a pure white banner represents the body of believers keeping the appointed times (sabbaths, new moons, festivals) by the lunar calendar.

I was then shown another company bearing a pure white banner, and upon it was written Purity, and Holiness unto Y'hovah.

Christ's Object Lessons
Hidden Treasure
Page - 112

Do you ask, What shall I do to be saved? You must lay your preconceived opinions, your hereditary and cultivated ideas, at the door of investigation. If you search the Scriptures to vindicate your own opinions, you will never reach the truth. Search in order to learn what Y'HVH says. If conviction comes as you search, if you see that your cherished opinions are not in harmony with the truth, do not misinterpret the truth in order to suit your own belief, but accept the light given. Open mind and heart that you may behold wondrous things out of Elohim's word.

Isa 28:17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. (more on hailstones)

Ezekiel 22:26 (The wall calendar made with untempered mortar)
26 Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed [difference] between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, (originating from the lunar weeks)  and I am profaned among them.

One of these lies is that the weekly cycle is an unbreakable cycle of 7's from creation until now, never lost track of. Another is that all days belong to the weekly cycle, including the New Moon Day in conflict with the teaching of Ezekiel 46:1 setting forth three categories of days.

The continous cycle of 7's (weeks) theory, unbroken by new moon would mean there are two independent systems of time keeping, The lunar cycle, and The Roman Calendar week, but scripture has only one calendar, not two conflicting calendars.

Well what about Joshua commanding the sun and moon to stand still for a day, and the 7 day march around Jericho? (see Jashur 88:14-17)

Truth=There is only one calendar in Scriptures, the lunar calendar days, and the lunar calendar week.
Truth=The weekly cycle is reset after each New Moon Day. And the four Sabbaths in each moon occur always on the same date of the month. Investigate the Scripture texts on this website that illustrate this Truth, by logical deduction and simple math that children learn in school.

S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7-CN- REV14-CT- Revelation-PR- 07-PG- 977
(Ch. 7:2, 3). The Question Before Us Now. --The Sabbath question is to be the issue in the great final conflict, in which all the world will act a part. Men have honored Satan's principles above the principles that rule in the heavens.(see Gen. 1:14) They have accepted the spurious sabbath, which Satan has exalted as the sign of his authority. But YHVH Elohim has set His seal upon His royal requirement. Each Sabbath institution, both true and false, bears the name of its author, an ineffaceable mark that shows the authority of each.

Why is the word "institution" used by Ellen White, because the 7th day is dependent upon a weekly cycle unit of time measurement, and is thus an "Institution".     See "Two Banners" a vision or dream of Ellen White depicting the two calendar controversy, past and future (now).

The Sabbath institution is predicated as being the 7th day of a weekly cycle, and therefore is dependent upon the correct weekly cycle.
The weekly cycle is predicated upon the lunar cycle, which is a function of nature, not an independent mathematical event separate from nature.
"The path of obedience to natures laws, is the direct path to heaven" Councils on Health p. 222
Who sets the weekly cycle? Rome with Sun-Sat? or YHVH with number assignments only, week day numbers & moon day numbers! Who do you worship? Rome or YHVH?

1 New Moon
The Holy of YHVH
1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day
                          Yod 2 3 4 5 6 7   8   1st  quarter sabbath
                          He 9 10 11 12 13 14 15  2nd quarter sabbath
                          Vav 16 17 18 19 20 21 22   3rd  quarter sabbath
                          He 23 24 25 26 27 28 29  4th   quarter sabbath

SDA Bible Commentary Volume 7 page 976 15
This is the test that the people of Elohim must have before they are sealed. All who prove their loyalty to Elohim by observing His law, and refusing to accept a spurious sabbath, will rank under the banner of YHVH Elohim, and will receive the seal of the living Elohim. Those who yield the truth of heavenly origin (see Psalm 104:19 lunar calendar with weekly assignments) and accept the Sunday sabbath (roman calendar sabbath), will receive the mark of the beast (Letter 11, 1890)

Notice the quote above says "Each Sabbath institution, both true and false" and not "each sabbath day", it is dependent upon the weekly cycle. Notice below the image of Leviticus 1:1 How each letter of His Name, stands at the beginning of each of His four Lunar cycle weeks, encrypted within the text.
The true Sabbath institution is arrived at via the measure of the moon. (see Psalm 104:19 & Scribner's)
The false Sabbath institution is arrived at via a mathematical measure disconnected totally from nature. (see history books on this event)

By His Finger and voice, and continuing in Hebrew culture is obedience to the Original Tablet of Stone, not remember the sabbath day to keep it holy, but "Mark even day, the new moon to consecrate it".

An Institution, concerning time, How He measures time, to arrive at His Shabbats.
YHVH, "Y" The Father, "H" The Mother, "V" The Son, "H" The Daughter
in the Tetragrammaton, represents The Son, Who at the beginning of creation week "paused" on the New Moon Day, before beginning His work of creation week. YHVH (Y=yod, H=hay, V=vav, H=hay) inhabits eternity, in this example He stands at the beginning of each weekly cycle, not occupying a day, but authoring time, His "Month", the four letters of His Name stands at the beginning of the four weeks of His lunar month, "Y" at the beginning of the first week of 7 days, "H" at the beginning of the second week of His "Month", "V" at the beginning of the third week of His "Month", "H" at the beginning of the fourth week of His lunar "Month".
Our Heavenly Father instituted His Divine Calendar, which bears His Holy Name.

He gives His Sabbath Institution, which His Name bears, encrypted in Hebrew, in Leviticus 1:1 His Lunar Calendar weeks.

His calendar begins with the New Moon day, the 1st day of the moon, represented by Y'hoshua, or Michael, pausing on this day, His letter is Vav.
Days 1-29, Sabbaths are 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th in example below, Yod-7days, then Hay-7days, then Vav-7days, then Hay-7days.
Each Sabbath has a thumbnail image of the approximate lunar phase of the moon. He appointed the moon for moeds=appointments Psalm 104:19

From "The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet" p. 95 "The letter vav is the prefix of conjunction {conjunction spelled with Hebrew Letters}; it unites manifold, even opposing, concepts. It is the link connecting heaven and earth"

"It is the link connecting" one moon to the next moon, the "echad" 1st day of the moon.

New Moon is "conjunction" of the sun - moon - earth, a straight line, the day unit in Jerusalem in which this event occurs, sunrise to sunrise. It is not a "week" day, but a day of assembly and worship, It marks the beginning of the Calendar for the times of the congregation to assemble "moeds" including the 7th day Shabbat. (see Leviticus 23:3 only one calendar is mentioned, the lunar)

letter "vav" "V" is New Moon Day, the 1st day of the month, stands alone, above the weekly cycles, then follows His Name, the tetragrammaton, 4 letters heading up the four lunar weeks. YHVH inhabits eternity and YHVH doesn't occupy time but rather Author's time Therefore a day number is not assigned to the letters YHVH in this example.

letter "yod" "Y" then 2nd - 8th letters = 1st quarter week     - 7th day shabbat is 8th day of moon
letter "hay" "H" then 9th - 15th letters = 2nd quarter week   - 7th day shabbat is 15th day of moon
letter "vav" "V" then 16th - 22nd letters = 3rd quater week  -  7th day shabbat is 22nd day of moon
letter "hay" "H" then 23 - 29th letters = 4th quarter week     -  7th day shabbat is 29th day of moon

Thus YHVH (The Tetragrammaton), bears His "Sabbath Institution" as it is His True Weekly Cycle, His Lunar Calendar Weeks, Divinely encrypted in Leviticus 1:1 (The book of Levi, the priest).
Each Sabbath institution
, both true and false, bears the name of its author, an ineffaceable mark that shows the authority of each. (clip from EGW, quote above)

The letter "vav" is a connector meaning "and" in Hebrew. It is New Moon day in this example. The letter "vav" is like a nail, joining one board to another.
The letter "vav" transitions from a declining moon to a growing moon, at new moon, and in the middle of the "Moonth" "vav" transitions from a growing moon to a declining moon. The letter "mem" is after the 29th day, "mem" represents "waters", as The Spirit hovered over the face of the waters, so we "pause" upon the Worship New Moon day from our secular activities, to Worship our Heavenly King, as well as upon the Sabbath day. There is sometimes a 30th day about every other moon.

The new moon day transitions from the previous "calendar" month of four weeks to the next "calendar" of four consecutive weeks. It is a Worship Day, see Ez. 46:3.

Vav, The Son, sees and knows what is in the darkness, He "saw" when the earth had completed one spin or revolution after "conjunction" of the "new moon", before Elohim spoke "Let there be light", on day 2 of the "moon", the first "day" of creation week, as Ellen White tells us that He in co-operation with The Father, created this world.

The seventh day sabbath is dependent upon the weekly cycle, the four weekly cycles are the four quarters of the moon you remember were on the wall calendars, kept for the farmers sake, planting according to the phases, in spite of "he shall think to change the calendar and the law(of the fourth commandment with "New Moon"). He thinks to change the law, but he can't, because there are four holy Angels, who are guarding the Ark of The Covenant, and the Tablets of Stone with the 10 commands engraved by "The Finger" of YHVH.

A printable single page (with page shrinking-vista and beyond) of the image above


The following sites are sub-domains of seventh-day-adventist.org for illustration of sub-domain sites under a TLD.






Here is a video from WLC evidencing SDA Leaders knew of The Lunar based Sabbath day:- Elder Andreason admits openly, in a letter, to Grace Amadon of the Lunar Based Calendar Sabbath, and why to keep it from the people.

Isaiah 3:12
[As for] my people, children [are] their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause [thee] to err, and destroy the way of thy paths

More video's from WLC
Truthseeker's ask - EGW answers Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRFgx6I003Y
Truthseeker's ask - EGW answers Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMj_yYbQ1eA
Truthseeker's ask - EGW answers Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsuCfCH4W5I

http://bibletruthers.org More information of the same.
Another video of 3 months in a row by WLC

The churches

The Early and the Latter Rain - page 219

Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in YHVH your
Elohim: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and He
will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and
the latter rain in the first month. Joel 2:23.

There is to be in the churches a wonderful manifestation of
the power of Elohim, but it will not move upon those who have not
humbled themselves before YHVH, and opened the door of
their heart by confession and repentance. In the manifestation
of that power which lightens the earth with the glory of Elohim,
they will see only something which in their blindness they think
dangerous, something which will arouse their fears, and they
will brace themselves to resist it. Because YHVH does not work
according to their expectations and ideal, they will oppose the
work. "Why," they say, "should we not know the Spirit of Elohim,
when we have been in the work so many years?" Because they
did not respond to the warnings, the entreaties, of the messages
of Elohim, but persistently said, "I am rich, and increased with
goods, and have need of nothing."

It is after this, the exceeding bright Light in the above paragraph, and in the second daystar article, that Ellen Harmon states, "is of vast importance to the saints", that, The Father rises from the throne and enters into a flaming chariot, and went to the Most Holy Place.

The 144,000 are sealed after the "latter rain" falls, just before "time of Jacob's trouble" begins, when death becomes the penalty for not worshipping the beast or his image. Ellen White tells us that the sealing time is very short.
The Latter Rain Light consists of Yehovah, the Glory of His Name, and His Name as a Seal upon His Sabbaths-and New Moon Day, and His Name as a Seal upon His True Health Reform Message-movement, "The Seal of Yah" in nature-Patterns of the Numbers of the Name "Yah". And the gospel, or "Good News" of His Kingdom, the Holy City Yahrushalom, Enoch's home, the home of all His saints.

Devices - hypnosis - sorcery